A-hem...this is Krystal's Pointless page.....there is no point to it really....just that I thought it would be fun to make a page. I know it sucks, so you don't have to remind me when signing the guestbook....if you like anything on it, feel free to say so, if you don't like anything on it, feel free to tell me about that too...but be nice...thanks *p.s* this page is best viewed with IE 4.0, some things will not work if you are viewing this with netscape
ok, well, I've made a few changes to my page, pics page is just pathetic with 1 pic on it, but it's a great really is, go check it out...It's the summer now, and I don't have anything better to do with my time, so I'm gonna see if I can update this page more often......just keep come'n back to check it out and see if I've got anything new...thanks for coming!!!
Sign Guestbook
---hey make me happy and sign the book please!?!....
View Guestbook---if you're gonna be a mean head and not sign the book click here....
Pics---check out the pics I've found/stole....
Rugrats---ok, I REALLY like the rugrats, so I hope that you will enjoy what I'm starting to do with this page...right now I've just got a game on it to play, but there will be more VERY soon....
Funny Stuff---jokes 'n stuff me and my friend Kathy got on the net....
Links---some links that you might find interesting, but probably not...I'm still look'n for some better ones, so just give me some time...
Postcards---ok, come here if you wanna send postcards to ppls...umm...I only have one right now...but there will be more when I get more time to work on it
here are some pages that are way better than mine that you should visit *in no particular order*:
ppls have come to my page!!

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