Bio and description below


Abdullah the Butcher


Real name: Larry Shreeve

Birthday: January 1, 1936

Birthplace : Windsor, Canada

Past Managers : Eddie "The Brain" Creatchman, J.J. Dillon, Gary Hart, Bearcat Wright, Rock Hunter, Chiki Starr, and too many to be named because of all of the feds he competed in

Past Gimmicks : Pussycat Pikens, Zeras Amala, Abdullah the Butcher, Kuroi Jujutsushi (black wizard)

All right, all the rumors of Abby showing up in the wwf just pissed me off. I thought that he would be there, after all the hype and everything, and then it was 2 Cold Scorpio??? For once, Abdullah might have been under WWF banner, but no, they went a different way, god dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big News

". . . New Dimension Wrestling. For those of you unfamiliar with the fed, their cards are set to include Ax of Demolition, Malia Hosaka, Typhoon, Jimmy Valiant, "Nature Boy" Buddy Landell, The Iron Sheik, Pistol Pez Whatley, Abdullah The Butcher, as well as current champ Mad Maxx and ladies champ Debbie Combs." (taken from Scoops)

Al Isaacs from Scoops sent me this in regard to Abdullah the Butcher wrestling more despite his "retirement" and his age of 62 :

"According to their press release he is signed to do some shows with them. Their webpage is New Dimension Wrestling.

Finally, the webpage doesn't make any notes in particular to this hardcore legend (my vote for wrestler of the century a few days ago) but they do have shows in Greensboro, NC and he will be at some, although it's only a few hours from his home in Atlanta, so I guess it's not that much time away from home and he can continue the sport he loves.

If you want to contact the hotline for this fed call (336) 882-4921

The dates that they have pre-scheduled Abdullah the Butcher for are as follows:

"Sat, May 16, Welch, WV
National Guard Armory, 8:00pm

  • Abdullah the Butcher vs. Beastmaster Rick Link
  • Ricky Morton in action
  • The Rising Sun in action

    Fri, Jul 17, Concord, NC
    Concord Motor Speedway
  • Abdullah the Butcher in action

    Fri, Aug 14, Charleston, WV
    Watt Powell Park, 7:30pm
  • Abdullah the Butcher vs. Beastmaster Rick Link
  • Jimmy Valiant vs. Pistol Pez Whatley
  • The Rising Sun in action

    Sat, Aug 15, Burlington, NC
    Burlington Athletic Stadium, 8:15pm
  • Abdullah the Butcher vs. Beastmaster Rick Link
  • Jimmy Valiant vs. Pistol Pez Whatley
  • The Rising Sun in action
  • Rikki Nelson in action

    Wed, Aug 26, Columbia, SC
    Capital City Stadium, after Capital City Bombers baseball game
  • Abdullah the Butcher in action

    You might just see me at the July 17 one in Concord, NC, with some redneck I know in North Carolina. I'll be wearing my Abby shirt I had made for me. If you want one made for you, go here and send them any picture you see on my picture page!!!!!

    "From Windsor, but billed as the wild man from the Sudan. Star heel around the world, best-known for carving up opponents' foreheads with foreign objects ... and getting his own forehead carved up. Had so much scar tissue, he could start bleeding from a good turnbuckle shot. Today, it's hard to believe how much heat he could get from a running/flying elbow smash, but it was an awesome finisher in its day.

    Set a Montreal record, wrestling against Johnny Rougeau on July 17, 1972 at Jarry Park (then the home of the Expos). It was the main event of a card that drew over 26,000 fans and a $100,000+ gate

    Was never supposed to be able to speak English, so he worked with several managers through the years, including Eddie "The Brain" Creatchman, J.J. Dillon, Gary Hart, Bearcat Wright, Rock Hunter, and many others.

    Also a big star for the All Japan promotion where he held the top titles and won their biggest annual tournament -- the Grand Champion Carnival -- in 1976 and 1979.

    Lives in Atlanta. Owned and managed a restaurant there called Abdullah the Butcher's House of Ribs and Chinese Food and was very friendly with fans that come in."

    Taken from:

    The address of Abdullah's I received was the adress of the CWA, and not that of Abdullah's, although, I do have the address of his restaurant, which should be good enough.

    ATLANTA, GA 30331

    (404) 629-2332

    If you have ever met Abdullah, and have a story, contact me.

    "Abdullah the Butcher, or 'Abby', is a legend in the wrestling business. There have been others who laid claim to the Butcher title, but none came close to Abby's viciousness and willingness to do just about anything to get his act over. Just about everyone has an Abdullah the Butcher story. Blood is likely involved. And probably a fork. And some shreiking. And a run through the frightened crowd. He wrestled around the world and became a name mentioned in awe by wrestling fans.  Abby never stuck around one promotion too long, much like Andre The Giant during his heyday. He knew that the gimmick wore thin quickly, but the legend would live on until the next visit. According to the Pro Wrestling Torch, Abdullah the Butcher is now     running a ribs restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia, wrestling only sporadically. "

    - Slam

     This canadian born wrestler has led an interesting life, and is, without a doubt, the coolest looking one alive. Throughout his career, he's had different gimmicks (Pussycat Pikens, Zeras Amala), but, his most famous, and still used one has to be, Abdullah the Butcher. Legendary for his fights with Cactus Jack and Giant Baba, this Puroresu Hall of Famer (inducted June, 1997) is the most brave wrestler alive today. He's 62 and just retired, while occasionaly wrestling in the japanese promotion WAR in japan under the name, Kuroi Jujutsushi (black wizard). He's 62, and he'll still allow his forehead to gush blood and wrestle the hardcore style that japan has.



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