Gumpy's Pattern Page

Piper-20a.gif (16805 bytes)

For the Radio Controlled Model Airplane flying enthusiast

What is Pattern flying?  The Planes and the Patterns pages have a quick description
Plagued by mechanical problems? My assorted tips page keeps you in the air
Local pattern contest calendar for '00 
What are torque rolls? Find out with this Torque Rolls 101 class.
Where is the Internet going?  Gumpy has the answer: video.  Try my new web page.  new.gif (622 bytes)
There's allot of stuff on the Internet.  Guide your way through with my links pages (check out the YS engine link)
Go to a contest and forgot to bring something? Start an equipment reminder list.  Here is my list to give you ideas.
What is the direction of Pattern flying?  My own thoughts are on my Pattern Politics Page
Have a high bandwidth connection?  Look over these hot R/C flying video links
When is the best time of year to fly?  Look over this statistical data for North Texas weather from the Weather Channel
Oh for the memories.  My own R/C airplane picture archive

Humor Store to keep your funny bone rolling
Are these fact or fiction?
Where are the answer to these questions?
Gumpy's Super String Theory 
Get the correct time, or set your computer's time with this program
Midi's for your browsing enjoyment
Meet my IRC buddies on #dfwmetro page and Blue Jeans page
Also visit my buddy Guy's home page

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