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Paintball, paintball, and more paintball! Welcome to the on-line edition of The Splatter Times, the internet's premiere paintball newsletter.

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Top Stories:
Bad weather barrel test
We took the Lapco Bigshot and Dye SS through a grueling test. Horrible weather, cold, nasty paint, mediocre marker, bad air supply, and every other possible horrifying condition. How did they do? Full Story.

Recruiting players
Finding quality players can be very difficult. When your team needs an extra man, or if you are trying to create a whole new team, this is the best place to start. Full Story.

Organize your team for a tournament
Find out everything you need to know about preparing a team for a tournament. Jim takes us through his Tournaments 101 class with plenty of insight. Full Story.

Splatter partnerships with internet companies
The Splatter Times now has quite a few partners and associates. We are working together to help bring you the most paintball information on the net. Read about our business partners and how you can help The Splatter Times to continue serving the paintball community. Full Story.

Reader Response: We should mix players up
Kelly Tolbert, owner of D&D Xtreme Paintball, took the time out to tell us why her field likes to mix up players of all skill levels. Read her response to Jim Rossiter's article. Full Story.

New Section: Review your own Marker
Do you hate what everyone else is saying about your marker? Do you think our staff is crazy? Now you can review your own markers and share that information with the world. Full Story.

Paintball Stories
Now you can share your favorite paintball stories with the world. Tell everyone about the experience you had, what yourlearned, or what you hated the most. Full Story.

Paintball should be a good time
Have you ever gone to a paintball field only to be humiliated? Ever wondered why the field owners don't do anything about it? Want to find out why? Full Story.

Splatter Reaches Landmark
The Splater Times has hit a new landmark last month. We are now receiving over 30,000 unique visitors a month. Thank you all for honoring us by your presence! We hope to continue to be able to provide you with paintball information for many years to come.

Barrel and paintball sizes listed
Ever wondered what your barrel's bore size was? And which paintballs work best in it? Aftermarket barrles? Stock barrels? Paintball sizes? See our technical section for the info.

Barrel comparison
Bob Long, Dye, Lapco, or Smart parts? Which barrel performs better at what distance? What size paints shoot better through which barrels? What is the overall favorite? What is the Editor's Choice? The long awaited study is finally in. Full Story.

New Section: Review your own fields
Ever had a bad experience? Paid too much to play? Extraordinary fees? Or have you had a great experience? Tell everyone about your paintball playing experience in our all new Reader Field Review area. Full Story.

Review: Three Rivers Paintball
Read this interesting account of what a typical day is like at this Pittsburgh, PA paintball park. Full Story.

Getting ready for your first tournament?
While you bask in the winter doldrums, don't let your time go to waste. Although you might not be able to play in a tournament, with all the snow, you can still brush up and prepare for one. Full Story.

Aftermath: A look back at Littleton, Col.
Has anything changed since the tragic events that took place in Littleton in April 99? Has the world of paintball been affected? What has happened to crime rates? What kind of affect does paintball have on youth? Full Story.

On the Road to Pittsburgh
In this first installment, Sarge asks Debra Krischke, the brainchild of the Amatuer Open, for her thoughts on the tournament. Full Story.

Netscape Instant Messenger: TheSplatter
You can now chat with our staff whenever you are online. What? Yes. You can ask us questions, suggest articles, and even plea for recognition. Full Story.

Paintball in the new millennium
Where did paintball come from? Where did it go? What's next? What will the new millennium hold? Full Story.

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Database Interactivity
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The Splatter Times has gone from being a small local website to one of the internet's most useful and cited information centers. To whom do we owe all of this success? Our readers. Without you, none of this would be possible. Reader feedback is our top priority. Thank you for making us Number One.

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