Hi!! My name is Stephanie Schonhardt, and the reason for this page is to make a friend of mine happy!! He said my page wouldn't be good unless it had lots of pictures of him...so when I get the pictures of him they will go on this page! But for right now, I only have a few...so please bear w/me!!

Kevin Heckathorn
Ok..sorry Kev...but this pic has to go on!!

Ok all!! Meet Kevin!! Kevin is a Major basketball freak! He is 18 years old, 6'3", and from Emporia, Ks. He has brown hair with blonde highlights, green eyes, and a dark tan. He is the president of his senior class at Olpe High School where he starts varsity basketball and helped lead the eagles to their best year ever including winning the league tournament. He lives for hoops, hoop rides, and thumpin bass. In his spare time he likes to kick back and listen to his boy 2pac tear it up.
Please come back soon and visit me.
You can get to my other page here.
Moonbeam's Page
And here is Kevin's Page
Kevin's Page
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