Welcome to the

Do you sew, embroider, quilt, make origami or macrame, do home repairs, create homemade decorations for Christmas, do woodcrafts, leather working, blow or burn or stain glass, do mosaics, dye Easter eggs or tie-dye t-shirts? Do you knit, crochet, arrange dried flowers, make your own stationary, create home furnishings, make dolls or miniature houses for electric trains, tole paint, or hook rugs? How about pottery or ceramics, jewelry making, beadwork, metal sculpture, make lampshades, or re-upholster furniture? Have you ever wished you could do any of these things? If you are a true crafter, chances are you've tried most of these and many more.
The Yahoo! Crafter's Place Chat Club is a place to come and share your ideas, get and give encouragement to start and--sometimes more importantly--to finish all kinds of handcrafted projects. Whether it is making bookmarks for your favorite reader or a home entertainment cabinet for the living room--we'll talk about it and share ideas how to do it and how to improve what you've done. We'll talk tools and suppliers, budgeting time and setting priorities. We'll ask and answer questions, let you in on secrets and best tips. Join Us!
Recently awarded the OuttaSite Award* for excellence, this page is meant as a place to display some of the projects we've got going--the natural spin-out for posts that are too long or require more information than the message board will allow. We will be posting diagrams and step-by-step instructions, photographs of finished pieces, links to craft suppliers, and lists of ideas to make our projects faster and easier.
*The OuttaSite Award is given each month by the combined community leaders of Yahoo!-Geocities to a single website within each of the main neighborhoods of Yahoo!-Geocities. The award is based on outstanding content display, excellence in graphical presentation, and community participation. We consider ourselves truly honored (see our listing and a listing of past recipients on the winner's page).

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on 08/01/99.
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