Welcome to Center Speakers Toastmasters!

Center Speakers Toastmasters welcomes all guests regardless of speaking  experience. We encourage you to visit and observe one or more meetings before deciding to join. The guidelines below explain how  to become a member of the Club.

We meet every Thursday, except for the third week of August, the Toastmasters International Convention. This year the convention is the week of August 16th, 2004

What will I learn at Toastmasters?
Toastmasters can help you in a variety of areas including delivering prepared speeches, making impromptu speeches, conducting meetings, evaluating people, managing people, and developing leadership skills.
In addition, joining Center Speakers Toastmasters will allow you to tap into rich educational resources both from experienced club members and from various newsletters and documents produced by Toastmasters International.

Is this a Class?
No. The Toastmasters program is more like a cooperative workshop. It is a self-paced program. We practice various aspects of public speaking (such as vocal variety and body language) in Club meetings, and receive supportive and constructive evaluations by Club members.

Does Center Speakers have an education process?
Toastmasters has an integrated learning process that guides members at their own pace on the journey to becoming a great speaker. As a new member, you will be working from the Communication and Leadership Manual, which describes 10 speech projects designed to develop various aspects of your speaking skills. Once you have completed these 10 speeches, you will be designated a Competent Toastmaster (CTM), the first of several Toastmasters distinctions.

When do you meet?
Meetings are held every Thursday from 4:45-5:45, in the Christian Science Administration Building, right across the street from Prudential Center, 175 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA  02115. You can take the "E" line to Prudential Center or park in the Center's parking garage.

When can I join?
Anytime. When you are ready to join, please speak with a club officer for assistance.

Can I attend meetings without joining?
Yes. All meetings are open to the general public. You may visit as many times as you would like. However, only by joining will you be able to give speeches, take on advanced meeting roles, and earn credits toward Communication and Leadership Awards.

How much does it cost?
New members initially pay between $25 and $40, depending on the month in which they join. Semi-annual dues of $20 are then due each April and October.

What do I get in return for my dues? 
As a member of Toastmasters International, you will receive a monthly subscription to the Toastmaster magazine and a new member kit, containing the CTM (Competent Toastmaster) Manual plus three pamphlets entitled "Your Speaking Voice," "Gestures: Your Body Speaks," and "Effective Speech Evaluation." In addition, your dues support the development of new education programs, operations at World Headquarters, and your local District organization.

What if I get very busy and can't keep up? 
The Toastmasters program is completely self-paced. You may speak as frequently or infrequently as you wish. You are not required to attend every meeting, and you do not have to prepare a speech for each meeting. There are many meeting roles that require no advance preparation. The more active your participation, however, the more your speaking and leadership skills will benefit.

Where can I find more information?
Visit http://www.toastmasters.org. Guests are always welcome.  For information about the Center Speakers chapter, write to centerspeakers@yahoo.com or just stop by for a visit!
by Ruth Levitsky, Vice President Education
updated 7.6.04