It has been said that Brennan is one of the most prolific surnames in all of Ireland. I believe that the same can be said of the occurance of the name in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
Brennan has got to be one of the more difficult names to document while researching your family history. With this page we hope to bring together those researchers trying to find their BRENNAN roots in Schuylkill County.
If you have a web site that has the Brennan surname and they settled in Schuylkill County at one time or another let us know and we will link to your site.
We would like to maintain a Brennan researcher list so that we can all compare notes on documents we found during our research of the surname in the county. If you have any type of records that you might like to share with other researchers we would like to post them on the internet. If you are researching Brennan send a note with who you are looking for with names and dates and we will attach a text file or website for each of you so that other researchers can easily contact you if they feel there might be a connection.
There are so many of us researching the Brennan name in Schuylkill County, we feel certain that there must be some interconnected families that we have yet to discover.
Send your information to be included at this site to Elizabeth Del Valle at:
Brennan In The Census
Brennan Web Sites
Schuylkill County Gen Web
Schuylkill County Genealogy Ties |