Welcome to Meldair's Lair, a place of solace and rest from the outside world. Once a major facet of my personality, Meldair has been relegated to the status of a simple nickname which I use and have used for over ten years now. Some may find me eccentric others simply amusing. I find myself unusual and that suits me fine. Normalcy is simply boredom given a politically correct name.

I strive to bring knowledge to myself and others constantly. I also seek to give the universe at large positive energy rather than the mixed energy common to the average person. This is both a philisophical and a spiritual choice which I have made after much thought and hardship. "T'kun Olam" or "Repairing the World" has become my philosophy of life and I urge others to join me in bringing about positive change around the world. The more positive energy put forth unto the world, the more positive responses we will have for our actions.

On to the fun stuff... I write poetry. Sometimes it's not very good but other times even I'm impressed with how it comes out. Anyone who happens upon this site is more than welcome to read my poetry and send the links to others to read. I would appreciate it if my works were not copied and pasted elsewhere without my permission. There are few things I am possessive of and my poetry is one of them. You can find the majority of my finished works in My Library. Occasionally I will write down dreams or simple stories which catch my fancy. These I am more than happy to share with others. Please include the source for the quote, anecdote, or entire writing in any pasting you do. Thank you.