feels good all over

[bios] [lemons] [logs] [ugee] [horse-fucking] [foot biters] [journal] [plushie comics] [sign] [view] [old view]

datewhat's going onother
11.20.03 Akari's back in action with Jessiah prowling about, too. Rectified play at The Keep. If you can find it, congratulations. The vampires rule the pubs once again. New pictures and logs are added to their respective slots. I super imposed an editted picture of Akari and placed it in a Gaming scene which was also PSP CGed. Unfuck yourself and take a peek. Guestbook questions are redone. Sign it at your own risk.
09.04.03 Oh, one last note. I added a new guestbook, as my last one actually got filled. Please sign the new one. My butt hurts.
09.04.03 As always, I've added a few new pictures of myself. This seems like it's being turned into my picture updating page. How pitiful. Regardless, I finally put up the link for the foot biters. It's an amusing little gallery which I hope will grow. If you have any foot biting pictures to submit, please IM Akari Chapelo on AIM.

Important Note: All pictures must be within a reasonable size and dimensions. And by foot biting I mean specifically feet. No ankle biters, shin biters, or calf biters. If you can't reach, you're not worthy of the foot biters gallery. :]

04.26.03 Another month gone by and I've finally added a new page. Remember those entertaining plushie comics Felicia used to make? Well, she stopped making them, so I took the liberty of making a tribute to that little cause and have started drawing new ones for people.

They're probably not even nearly as amusing as hers were, but it keeps me busy and for those of you out there who laugh easily, it should keep you entertained, too. Please enjoy. ::Points to the new link in the navigation area.:: ;b

Nuffin'.. Well, actually lots. But you'll just have to read my LJ to hear about that. 'Kay, bye.
02.27.03 I have not updated because I have nothing to update with. Occassionally some new pictures of myself will be added to the ugee section.

That is all.

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Sign my guestbook/read my journal/comment, butt-faces.

10.10.02 For Kevin's viewing pleasure, the "technical" definition for horse-fucking has been added to my site. The customer is always right.

Along with that, a few pictures in my ugee section, as per usual.

Huzzah! *
09.04.02 It's been a month since I updated already? Bad 'kari. x.x I uploaded a few new pictures to my ugee place. I just didn't inform you all. And a new section has been added for your viewing pleasure. My LEMON DIRECTORY! Now you no longer have to search those fucking engines for quality lemons.

Have fun, kids.

In other news, you all suck. ;o

Just kidding.

08.05.02 Kay. Uploaded all of my new pictures onto "ugee," my picture area. Pictures of ME, not my work or anyone else. Well, there may be a few guest appearances, but not too many. And most of you won't know who they are, anyway.
(There are 31 pictures total)

I win. :]

Hmmm... Nothing. 9.9;
06.22.02 One more picture added to my ugee picture place. I screwed up with the html, so it looks a bit unorganized. But hey, nice at the same time. >P I'm thinking about adding a section for my RO character. Her accomplishments, screen shots, eh.. items I've accumulated. Whatever, yanno?
06.17.02 I added eight new pictures to my personal gallery, under 'ugee'. Two new logs are being added to the.. log section. Akari and Bosch meet and discuss business. Enjoy. Moo.
05.29.02 Once again.. Aucun. I helped Hayden Christensen with his TV. Heheh. Do I rule? Of course.
05.17.02 ... o.o Aucun. Weeeeeeell now. I haven't an update for this site, being that all of my logs and un-uploaded files are on my other computer, so until then, you all get to see my kick ass new cat ear head band which was given to me by Ryan. Rich fucker. :]

But it's not showing up, so fine. :[
05.02.02 Pleasing the customers ...

Amalia's so great. She's my Right Hand Man, and she's got a tan, she's not a poser from Japan, she's down with Peter Pan, she does the can-can, she's got a plan, to leech all you bitches, yeah she's my Right Hand Man. ::Gangster pose.::

Alright, I vow never to do that again. ;x

04.21.02 No more annoying banners! :O!!!! Yee.

I'm thinking about adding a counter. Should I? Or does it really matter how popular my site is? I'd kind of like to know how many people visit my site..Even though a lot of the time it's just me, trying to figure out if anyone has signed my guest book. .-. Oh well. That's all for now.


-Akari <^> :D

04.13.02 I fixed the logs section. My tables were all narrow and screwed. I had seemed to have forgotten to end a few commands and codes. All better now.

Someone was kind enough to add some constructive critizism to my guestbook. ô.ö Thanks person. ::Gives a big thumbs up.::

Nothing to put here. I'll update my journal to tell people what's gone on.


04.12.02 Holy shit. I put in a lot of logs today. Some from back in December. Go read. In log section. But you knew that.. Unless you're um.. stupid. Talking to Jordan on the phone. Hrmp. Yeah.. Have fun. o.o
04.09.02 Today I added a new log. I was in gaming.. joking around, when I saw two of the antagonists of Invader ZIM, (ZIM and GIR), so out of fun, I made the screen names "disgruntled Gaz" and "suspicious Dib." Heh.. one thing lead to another and we ended up RPing for about five minutes. Go read it. Entertaining little bit. I'm sore. I'm tired as fuck.. I want my bedm but I know if I go to sleep now I'll wake up at 2 am and just repeat my vicious sleeping habits all over again.


03.25.02 Another new bio. Bio section.. New-ish character that I haven't seen or heard of before. The bio is short and sweet, so get off your asses and take the time to read it. Be familiar with your surroundings, damn it. Name: Dragonfly/Irian. School tomorrow.. I'll walk home again. This is turning into a normal routine. I hope I can find some stranger to give me a ride home. Please don't rain tomorrow. u.u;
03.21.02 We have a new biography up in the uh.. bio section. And it's Shadow Blade's. :D If you don't know who he is, you're probably a newbie. He was around before Gaming turned into crap. Go read it. It's worth the time. I've been updating my journal more and more. Go read. I'm also working on this lovely posterboard of Farfello. I hope to take a picture soon.
03.15.02 My gallery has been re-stored. Regardless of Lance's mocking, I am neither beer-bellied, nor a trailor-trash bunny-girl. >P I added a few more drawings to the gallery. Love them, please. :B

I've been updating my journal a lot, read it if you're interested in what I'm thinking all day.

I don't have anything to put here.
