Contents Copyright © 2003
- 2004 ShaBruCha Graphics
Disclaimer: Please note that
each company has its own refund/exchange/replacement, etc. policy.
These are third party sites and, as such, are not under our control.
We do our best to bring you stores which will provide the finest
of products and are reputable businesses. If you have a complaint,
please let us know. We will investigate and determine whether
or not to retain affiliation with a particular store or business.
By accessing these sites through our pages, you acknowledge that
we are in no way responsible for your actions, purchases, or
dealings with the owners/employers, etc., associated with these
sites and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless ShaBruCha,
Ent., and its employees, representatives, agents and affiliates,
against any and all claims, suits, actions, or other proceedings
brought against any affiliate store based on or arising from
any claim, suit, action, or proceeding.