I do this as a hobby, so please understand, I make the items as the orders come in, so it may take some time before I can get to yours.There may be some assembly to your item, the only thing you would need is a, phillips screw driver and some wood glue. If there are any Questions please,
E-Mail me.
Grandpa's Woodworking Place
I make many Styles of Country Shelf's, fine enough to hang in any part of your home, I also make fine Doll Furniture to display your most precious Dolls. Everything I make is unfinished just for that person that wants to give it there own personal touch.
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to visit my site, *Thank You*  Please tell others that my have an intrest in my page
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       #03S 20"Shelf with 4 Pegs    
  Plain $12.00    
20"Long   5-1/2"Wide  6 "High
         #05S 36"Plate Shelf
  Plain    $18.00
36"Long   5"Wide   6"High
          Displays Four 8" plates
Doll Furniture
             #05M Boot Remover
  Plain     $8.00    
  20"Long    8"Wide  
Just insert the heal of your boot into the V then pull your foot up and out of your boot.
             #04M 3Peg Coat Rack
  Plain                     $17.00  
  36"Long  5-1/2"High
             #04S Corner Shelf
  Plain   $15.00
6"Wide   17"High
          #03M Baseball Bat With Shelf
  Plain    $7.00
   24"Long  4"High
   Can hold base ball clove, hat and a ball.
Order Form
         #10S Shelf with Quilt Rack
  Plain   $20.00
36"Long    5-1/4"Wide   10-1/2High
This is great to display your hand made Quilt
               #06M Duck Coat Rack
  Plain    $6.00
   9"Wide     14"High
This great for any kids room to hange the coats on
Order Form
Doll Furniture
Shelf Page 2
Shelf Page 2
Doll Furniture Pg.2
Doll Furniture Pg.2