
We present a neural network-based upright frontal face detection system. A retinally connected

neural network examines small windows of an image, and decides whether each window

contains a face. The systemarbitrates between multiple networks to improve performance

over a single network. We present a straightforward procedure for aligning positive face examples

for training. To collect negative examples, we use a bootstrap algorithm, which adds

false detections into the training set as training progresses. This eliminates the difficult task of

manually selecting nonface training examples, which must be chosen to span the entire space

of nonface images. Simple heuristics, such as using the fact that faces rarely overlap in images,

can further improve the accuracy. Comparisons with several other state-of-the-art face detection

systems are presented; showing that our system has comparable performance in terms of

detection and false-positive rates.

Keywords: Face detection, Pattern recognition, Computer vision, Artificial neural networks, Machine


                    1 Introduction

In this paper, we present a neural network-based algorithm to detect upright, frontal views of faces

in gray-scale images1. The algorithm works by applying one or more neural networks directly to

portions of the input image, and arbitrating their results. Each network is trained to output the

presence or absence of a face. The algorithms and training methods are designed to be general,

with little customization for faces.

Many face detection researchers have used the idea that facial images can be characterized

directly in terms of pixel intensities. These images can be characterized by probabilistic models of

the set of face images [4, 13, 15], or implicitly by neural networks or other mechanisms [3, 12, 14,

19,21,23,25,26]. The parameters for these models are adjusted either automatically from example

images (as in our work) or by hand. A few authors have taken the approach of extracting features

and applying either manually or automatically generated rules for evaluating these features [7,11].

Training a neural network for the face detection task is challenging because of the difficulty in

characterizing prototypical “nonface” images. Unlike face recognition, in which the classes to be

discriminated are different faces, the two classes to be discriminated in face detection are “images

containing faces” and “images not containing faces”. It is easy to get a representative sample of

images which contain faces, but much harder to get a representative sample of those which do not.

We avoid the problem of using a huge training set for nonfaces by selectively adding images to the

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training set as training progresses [21]. This “bootstrap” method reduces the size of the training

set needed. The use of arbitration between multiple networks and heuristics to clean up the results

significantly improves the accuracy of the detector.

Detailed descriptions of the example collection and training methods, network architecture,

and arbitration methods are given in Section 2. In Section 3, the performance of the system is

examined. We find that the system is able to detect 90.5% of the faces over a test set of 130

complex images, with an acceptable number of false positives. Section 4 briefly discusses some

techniques that can be used to make the system run faster, and Section 5 compares this system with

similar systems. Conclusions and directions for future research are presented in Section 6.

                 2 Description of the System

Our system operates in two stages: it first applies a set of neural network-based filters to an image,

and then uses an arbitrator to combine the outputs. The filters examine each location in the image at

several scales, looking for locations that might contain a face. The arbitrator then merges detections

from individual filters and eliminates overlapping detections.

2.1 Stage One: A Neural Network-Based Filter

The first component of our system is a filter that receives as input a 20x20 pixel region of the

image, and generates an output ranging from 1 to -1, signifying the presence or absence of a face,

respectively. To detect faces anywhere in the input, the filter is applied at every location in the

image. To detect faces larger than the window size, the input image is repeatedly reduced in size

(by subsampling), and the filter is applied at each size. This filter must have some invariance to

position and scale. The amount of invariance determines the number of scales and positions at

which it must be applied. For the work presented here, we apply the filter at every pixel position

in the image, and scale the image down by a factor of 1.2 for each step in the pyramid.

The filtering algorithm is shown in Fig. 1. First, a preprocessing step, adapted from [21], is

applied to a window of the image. The window is then passed through a neural network, which

decides whether the window contains a face. The preprocessing first attempts to equalize the

intensity values in across the window. We fit a function which varies linearly across the window

to the intensity values in an oval region inside the window. Pixels outside the oval (shown in

Fig. 2a) may represent the background, so those intensity values are ignored in computing the

lighting variation across the face. The linear function will approximate the overall brightness of

each part of the window, and can be subtracted from the window to compensate for a variety

of lighting conditions. Then histogram equalization is performed, which non-linearly maps the

intensity values to expand the range of intensities in the window. The histogram is computed for

pixels inside an oval region in the window. This compensates for differences in camera input gains,

as well as improving contrast in some cases. The preprocessing steps are shown in Fig. 2.

The preprocessed window is then passed through a neural network. The network has retinal

connections to its input layer; the receptive fields of hidden units are shown in Fig. 1. There are

three types of hidden units: 4 which look at 10x10 pixel subregions, 16 which look at 5x5 pixel

subregions, and 6 which look at overlapping 20x5 pixel horizontal stripes of pixels. Each of these

types was chosen to allow the hidden units to detect local features that might be important for

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face detection. In particular, the horizontal stripes allow the hidden units to detect such features as

mouths or pairs of eyes, while the hidden units with square receptive fields might detect features

such as individual eyes, the nose, or corners of the mouth. Although the figure shows a single

hidden unit for each subregion of the input, these units can be replicated. For the experiments

which are described later, we use networks with two and three sets of these hidden units. Similar

input connection patterns are commonly used in speech and character recognition tasks [10, 24].

The network has a single, real-valued output, which indicates whether or not the window contains

a face.

Examples of output froma single network are shown in Fig. 3. In the figure, each box represents

the position and size of a window to which the neural network gave a positive response. The

network has some invariance to position and scale, which results in multiple boxes around some

faces. Note also that there are some false detections; they will be eliminated by methods presented

in Section 2.2.

To train the neural network used in stage one to serve as an accurate filter, a large number of

face and nonface images are needed. Nearly 1050 face examples were gathered fromface databases

at CMU, Harvard2, and from the World Wide Web. The images contained faces of various sizes,

orientations, positions, and intensities. The eyes, tip of nose, and corners and center of the mouth

of each face were labelled manually. These points were used to normalize each face to the same

scale, orientation, and position, as follows:

1. Initialize  F, a vector which will be the average positions of each labelled feature over all the

faces, with the feature locations in the first face F1.

2. The feature coordinates in  F are rotated, translated, and scaled, so that the average locations

of the eyes will appear at predetermined locations in a 20x20 pixel window.

3. For each face i, compute the best rotation, translation, and scaling to align the face’s features

Fi with the average feature locations  F. Such transformations can be written as a linear

function of their parameters. Thus, we can write a system of linear equations mapping the

features from Fi to  F. The least squares solution to this over-constrained system yields the

parameters for the best alignment transformation. Call the aligned feature locations F0

i .

4. Update  F by averaging the aligned feature locations F0

i for each face i.

5. Go to step 2.

The alignment algorithm converges within five iterations, yielding for each face a function which

maps that face to a 20x20 pixel window. Fifteen face examples are generated for the training set

from each original image, by randomly rotating the images (about their center points) up to 10,

scaling between 90% and 110%, translating up to half a pixel, and mirroring. Each 20x20 window

in the set is then preprocessed (by applying lighting correction and histogram equalization). A few

example images are shown in Fig. 4. The randomization gives the filter invariance to translations

of less than a pixel and scalings of 20%. Larger changes in translation and scale are dealt with by

applying the filter at every pixel position in an image pyramid, in which the images are scaled by

factors of 1.2.

Practically any image can serve as a nonface example because the space of nonface images is

much larger than the space of face images. However, collecting a “representative” set of nonfaces

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 4

is difficult. Instead of collecting the images before training is started, the images are collected

during training, in the following manner, adapted from [21]:

1. Create an initial set of nonface images by generating 1000 random images. Apply the preprocessing

steps to each of these images.

2. Train a neural network to produce an output of 1 for the face examples, and -1 for the nonface

examples. The training algorithm is standard error backpropogationwith momentum [8]. On

the first iteration of this loop, the network’s weights are initialized randomly. After the first

iteration, we use the weights computed by training in the previous iteration as the starting


3. Run the system on an image of scenery which contains no faces. Collect subimages in which

the network incorrectly identifies a face (an output activation > 0).

4. Select up to 250 of these subimages at random, apply the preprocessing steps, and add them

into the training set as negative examples. Go to step 2.

Some examples of nonfaces that are collected during training are shown in Fig. 5. Note that

some of the examples resemble faces, although they are not very close to the positive examples

shown in Fig. 4. The presence of these examples forces the neural network to learn the precise

boundary between face and nonface images. We used 120 images of scenery for collecting negative

examples in the bootstrap manner described above. A typical training run selects approximately

8000 nonface images from the 146,212,178 subimages that are available at all locations and scales

in the training scenery images. A similar training algorithm was described in [5], where at each

iteration an entirely new network was trained with the examples on which the previous networks

had made mistakes.

2.2 Stage Two: Merging Overlapping Detections and Arbitration

The examples in Fig. 3 showed that the raw output from a single network will contain a number of

false detections. In this section, we present two strategies to improve the reliability of the detector:

merging overlapping detections from a single network and arbitrating among multiple networks.

2.2.1 Merging Overlapping Detections

Note that in Fig. 3, most faces are detected at multiple nearby positions or scales, while false detections

often occur with less consistency. This observation leads to a heuristic which can eliminate

many false detections. For each location and scale, the number of detections within a specified

neighborhood of that location can be counted. If the number is above a threshold, then that location

is classified as a face. The centroid of the nearby detections defines the location of the

detection result, thereby collapsing multiple detections. In the experiments section, this heuristic

will be referred to as “thresholding”.

If a particular location is correctly identified as a face, then all other detection locations which

overlap it are likely to be errors, and can therefore be eliminated. Based on the above heuristic

regarding nearby detections, we preserve the location with the higher number of detections within

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 5

a small neighborhood, and eliminate locations with fewer detections. In the discussion of the

experiments, this heuristic is called “overlap elimination”. There are relatively few cases in which

this heuristic fails; however, one such case is illustrated by the left two faces in Fig. 3B, where one

face partially occludes another.

The implementation of these two heuristics is illustrated in Fig. 6. Each detection at a particular

location and scale is marked in an image pyramid, labelled the “output” pyramid. Then, each

location in the pyramid is replaced by the number of detections in a specified neighborhood of that

location. This has the effect of “spreading out” the detections. Normally, the neighborhood extends

an equal number of pixels in the dimensions of scale and position, but for clarity in Fig. 6 detections

are only spread out in position. A threshold is applied to these values, and the centroids (in both

position and scale) of all above threshold regions are computed. All detections contributing to

a centroid are collapsed down to a single point. Each centroid is then examined in order, starting

fromthe ones which had the highest number of detections within the specified neighborhood. If any

other centroid locations represent a face overlapping with the current centroid, they are removed

from the output pyramid. All remaining centroid locations constitute the final detection result. In

the face detection work described in [3], similar observations about the nature of the outputs were

made, resulting in the development of heuristics similar to those described above.

2.2.2 Arbitration among Multiple Networks

To further reduce the number of false positives, we can apply multiple networks, and arbitrate

between their outputs to produce the final decision. Each network is trained in a similar manner,

but with random initial weights, random initial nonface images, and permutations of the order of

presentation of the scenery images. As will be seen in the next section, the detection and false

positive rates of the individual networks will be quite close. However, because of different training

conditions and because of self-selection of negative training examples, the networks will have

different biases and will make different errors.

The implementation of arbitration is illustrated in Fig. 7. Each detection at a particular position

and scale is recorded in an image pyramid, as was done with the previous heuristics. One way

to combine two such pyramids is by ANDing them. This strategy signals a detection only if both

networks detect a face at precisely the same scale and position. Due to the different biases of the

individual networks, they will rarely agree on a false detection of a face. This allows ANDing

to eliminate most false detections. Unfortunately, this heuristic can decrease the detection rate

because a face detected by only one network will be thrown out. However, we will see later that

individual networks can all detect roughly the same set of faces, so that the number of faces lost

due to ANDing is small.

Similar heuristics, such as ORing the outputs of two networks, or voting among three networks,

were also tried. Each of these arbitration methods can be applied before or after the “thresholding”

and “overlap elimination” heuristics. If applied afterwards, we combine the centroid locations

rather than actual detection locations, and require them to be within some neighborhood of one

another rather than precisely aligned.

Arbitration strategies such as ANDing, ORing, or voting seem intuitively reasonable, but perhaps

there are some less obvious heuristics that could perform better. To test this hypothesis, we

applied a separate neural network to arbitrate among multiple detection networks. For a location

of interest, the arbitration network examines a small neighborhood surrounding that location in the

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output pyramid of each individual network. For each pyramid, we count the number of detections

in a 3x3 pixel region at each of three scales around the location of interest, resulting in three numbers

for each detector, which are fed to the arbitration network, as shown in Fig. 8. The arbitration

network is trained to produce a positive output for a given set of inputs only if that location contains

a face, and to produce a negative output for locations without a face. As will be seen in the

next section, using an arbitration network in this fashion produced results comparable to (and in

some cases, slightly better than) those produced by the heuristics presented earlier.

3 Experimental Results

A number of experiments were performed to evaluate the system. We first show an analysis of

which features the neural network is using to detect faces, then present the error rates of the system

over two large test sets.

3.1 Sensitivity Analysis

In order to determine which part of its input image the network uses to decide whether the input is

a face, we performed a sensitivity analysis using the method of [2]. We collected a positive test set

based on the training database of face images, but with different randomized scales, translations,

and rotations than were used for training. The negative test set was built from a set of negative

examples collected during the training of other networks. Each of the 20x20 pixel input images

was divided into 100 2x2 pixel subimages. For each subimage in turn, we went through the test

set, replacing that subimage with random noise, and tested the neural network. The resulting root

mean square error of the network on the test set is an indication of how important that portion of

the image is for the detection task. Plots of the error rates for two networks we trained are shown

in Fig. 9. Network 1 uses two sets of the hidden units illustrated in Fig. 1, while Network 2 uses

three sets.

The networks rely most heavily on the eyes, then on the nose, and then on the mouth (Fig. 9).

Anecdotally, we have seen this behavior on several real test images. In cases in which only one eye

is visible, detection of a face is possible, though less reliable, than when the entire face is visible.

The system is less sensitive to the occlusion of the nose or mouth.

3.2 Testing

The system was tested on two large sets of images, which are distinct from the training sets. Test

Set 1 consists of a total of 130 images collected at CMU, including images from the World Wide

Web, scanned from photographs and newspaper pictures, and digitized from broadcast television3.

It also includes 23 images used in [21] to measure the accuracy of their system. The images contain

a total of 507 frontal faces, and require the networks to examine 83,099,211 20x20 pixel windows.

The images have a wide variety of complex backgrounds, and are useful in measuring the false

alarm rate of the system. Test Set 2 is a subset of the FERET database [16, 17]. Each image

contains one face, and has (in most cases) a uniform background and good lighting. There are a

wide variety of faces in the database, which are taken at a variety of angles. Thus these images are

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 7

more useful for checking the angular sensitivity of the detector, and less useful for measuring the

false alarm rate.

The outputs from our face detection networks are not binary. The neural network produce real

values between 1 and -1, indicating whether or not the input contains a face. A threshold value

of zero is used during training to select the negative examples (if the network outputs a value of

greater than zero for any input from a scenery image, it is considered a mistake). Although this

value is intuitively reasonable, by changing this value during testing, we can vary how conservative

the system is. To examine the effect of this threshold value during testing, we measured the

detection and false positive rates as the threshold was varied from 1 to -1. At a threshold of 1, the

false detection rate is zero, but no faces are detected. As the threshold is decreased, the number

of correct detections will increase, but so will the number of false detections. This tradeoff is

presented in Fig. 10, which shows the detection rate plotted against the number of false positives

as the threshold is varied, for the two networks presented in the previous section. Since the zero

threshold locations are close to the “knees” of the curves, as can be seen from the figure, we used

a zero threshold value throughout testing.

Table 1 shows the performance of different versions of the detector on Test Set 1. The four

columns show the number of faces missed (out of 507), the detection rate, the total number of

false detections, and the false detection rate. The last rate is in terms of the number of 20x20

pixel windows that must be examined, which is approximately 3:3 times the number of pixels in

an image (taking into account all the levels in the input pyramid). First we tested four networks

working alone, then examined the effect of overlap elimination and collapsing multiple detections,

and tested arbitration using ANDing, ORing, voting, and neural networks. Networks 3 and 4

are identical to Networks 1 and 2, respectively, except that the negative example images were

presented in a different order during training. The results for ANDing and ORing networks were

based on Networks 1 and 2, while voting and network arbitration were based on Networks 1, 2,

and 3. The neural network arbitrators were trained using the images from which the face examples

were extracted. Three different architectures for the network arbitrator were used. The first used 5

hidden units, as shown in Fig. 8. The second used two hidden layers of 5 units each, with complete

connections between each layer, and additional connections between the first hidden layer and the

output. The last architecture was a simple perceptron, with no hidden units.

As discussed earlier, the “thresholding” heuristic for merging detections requires two parameters,

which specify the size of the neighborhood used in searching for nearby detections, and

the threshold on the number of detections that must be found in that neighborhood. In the table,

these two parameters are shown in parentheses after the word “threshold”. Similarly, the ANDing,

ORing, and voting arbitration methods have a parameter specifying how close two detections (or

detection centroids) must be in order to be counted as identical.

Systems 1 through 4 show the raw performance of the networks. Systems 5 through 8 use

the same networks, but include the thresholding and overlap elimination steps which decrease the

number of false detections significantly, at the expense of a small decrease in the detection rate.

The remaining systems all use arbitration among multiple networks. Using arbitration further

reduces the false positive rate, and in some cases increases the detection rate slightly. Note that

for systems using arbitration, the ratio of false detections to windows examined is extremely low,

ranging from 1 false detection per 449; 184 windows to down to 1 in 41; 549; 605, depending on

the type of arbitration used. Systems 10, 11, and 12 show that the detector can be tuned to make

it more or less conservative. System 10, which uses ANDing, gives an extremely small number

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 8

of false positives, and has a detection rate of about 77.9%. On the other hand, System 12, which

is based on ORing, has a higher detection rate of 90.3% but also has a larger number of false

detections. System 11 provides a compromise between the two. The differences in performance

of these systems can be understood by considering the arbitration strategy. When using ANDing,

a false detection made by only one network is suppressed, leading to a lower false positive rate.

On the other hand, when ORing is used, faces detected correctly by only one network will be

preserved, improving the detection rate.

Systems 14, 15, and 16, all of which use neural network-based arbitration among three networks,

yield detection and false alarm rates between those of Systems 10 and 11. System 13,

which uses voting among three networks, has an accuracy between that of Systems 11 and 12.

System 17 will be described in the next section.

Table 2 shows the result of applying each of the systems to images in Test Set 2 (a subset of

public portion of the FERET database [16,17]). We partitioned the images into three groups, based

on the nominal angle of the face with respect to the camera: frontal faces, faces at an angle 15

from the camera, and faces at an angle of 22:54. The direction of the face varies significantly

within these groups. As can be seen from the table, the detection rate for systems arbitrating two

networks ranges between 97.8% and 100.0% for frontal and 15 faces, while for 22:5 faces, the

detection rate is between 91.5% and 97.4%. This difference is because the training set contains

mostly frontal faces. It is interesting to note that the systems generally have a higher detection rate

for faces at an angle of 15 than for frontal faces. The majority of people whose frontal faces are

missed are wearing glasses which are reflecting light into the camera. The detector is not trained

on such images, and expects the eyes to be darker than the rest of the face. Thus the detection rate

for such faces is lower.

Based on the results shown in Tables 1 and 2, we concluded that both Systems 11 and 15

make acceptable tradeoffs between the number of false detections and the detection rate. Because

System 11 is less complex than System 15 (using only two networks rather than a total of four),

it is preferable. System 11 detects on average 86.2% of the faces, with an average of one false

detection per 3; 613; 009 20x20 pixel windows examined in Test Set 1. Figs. 11, 12, and 13 show

example output images from System 11 on images from Test Set 15.

4 Improving the Speed

In this section, we briefly discuss some methods to improve the speed of the system. The work

described is preliminary, and is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of methods to optimize

the execution time.

The dominant factor in the running time of the system described thus far is the number of 20x20

pixel windows which the neural networks must process. Applying two networks to a 320x240 pixel

image (246766 windows) on a 200 MHz R4400 SGI Indigo 2 takes approximately 383 seconds.

The computational cost of the arbitration steps is negligible in comparison, taking less than one

second to combine the results of the two networks over all positions in the image.

Recall that the amount of position invariance in the pattern recognition component of our system

determines how many windows must be processed. In the related task of license plate detection,

this was exploited to decrease the number of windows that must be processed [22]. The idea

was to make the neural network be invariant to translations of about 25% of the size of the license

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 9

plate. Instead of a single number indicating the existence of a face in the window, the output of

Umezaki’s network is an image with a peak indicating the location of the license plate. These

outputs are accumulated over the entire image, and peaks are extracted to give candidate locations

for license plates.

The same idea can be applied to face detection. The original detector was trained to detect a

20x20 face centered in a 20x20 window. We can make the detector more flexible by allowing the

same 20x20 face to be off-center by up to 5 pixels in any direction. To make sure the network

can still see the whole face, the window size is increased to 30x30 pixels. Thus the center of the

face will fall within a 10x10 pixel region at the center of the window. As before, the network

has a single output, indicating the presence or absence of a face. This detector can be moved in

steps of 10 pixels across the image, and still detect all faces that might be present. The scanning

method is illustrated in Fig. 14, which shows the input image pyramid and which of the 10x10

pixel regions are classified as containing the centers of faces. An architecture with an image output

was also tried, which yielded about the same detection accuracy, but required more computation.

The network was trained using the same bootstrap procedure as described earlier. The windows

are preprocessed with histogram equalization before they are passed to the network.

As can be seen from the figure, this network has many more false detections than the detectors

described earlier. To improve the accuracy, we treat each detection by the 30x30 detector as a

candidate, and use the 20x20 detectors described earlier to verify it. Since the candidate faces are

not precisely located, the verification network’s 20x20 window must be scanned over the 10x10

pixel region potentially containing the center of the face. A simple arbitration strategy, ANDing,

is used to combine the outputs of two verification networks. The heuristic that faces rarely overlap

can also be used to reduce computation, by first scanning the image for large faces, and at smaller

scales not processing locations which overlap with any detections found so far. The results of these

verification steps are illustrated on the right side of Fig. 14.

With these modifications, the processing time for a typical 320x240 image is about 7.2 seconds

on a 200 MHz R4400 SGI Indigo 2. To examine the effect of these changes on the accuracy of the

system, it was applied to the test sets used in the previous section. The results are listed as System

17 in Tables 1 and 2. As can be seen, this system has detection and false alarm rates comparable

with the most conservative of the other systems, System 10.

Further performance improvements can be made if one is analyzing many pictures taken by a

stationary camera. By taking a picture of the background scene, one can determine which portions

of the picture have changed in a newly acquired image, and analyze only those portions of the

image. Similarly, a skin color detector like the one presented in [9] can restrict the search region.

These techniques, taken together, have proven useful in building an almost real-time version of the

system suitable for demonstration purposes, which can process a 320x240 image in 2 to 4 seconds,

depending on the image complexity.

5 Comparison to Other Systems

Sung and Poggio developed a face detection system based on clustering techniques [21]. Their

system, like ours, passes a small window over all portions of the image, and determines whether

a face exists in each window. Their system uses a supervised clustering method with six “face”

and six “nonface” clusters. Two distance metrics measure the distance of an input image to the

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 10

prototype clusters, the first measuring the distance between the test pattern and the cluster’s 75

most significant eigenvectors, and the second measuring the Euclidean distance between the test

pattern and its projection in the 75 dimensional subspace. The last step in their system is to use

either a perceptron or a neural network with a hidden layer, trained to classify points using the

two distances to each of the clusters. Their system is trained with 4000 positive examples and

nearly 47500 negative examples collected in the bootstrap manner. In comparison, our system uses

approximately 16000 positive examples and 9000 negative examples.

Table 3 shows the accuracy of their system on a set of 23 images (a portion of Test Set 1), along

with the results of our system using the heuristics employed by Systems 10, 11, and 12 in Table 1.

In [21], 149 faces were labelled in this test set, while we labelled 155. Some of these faces are

difficult for either system to detect. Assuming that Sung and Poggio were unable to detect any of

the six additional faces we labelled, the number of faces missed by their system is six more than

listed in their paper. Table 3 shows that for equal numbers of false detections, we can achieve

slightly higher detection rates.

Osuna, Freund, and Girosi [14] have recently investigated face detection using a framework

similar to that used in [21] and in our own work. However, they use a “support vector machine”

to classify images, rather than a clustering-based method or a neural network. The support vector

machine has a number of interesting properties, including the fact that it makes the boundary

between face and nonface images more explicit. The result of their system on the same 23 images

used in [21] is given in Table 3; the accuracy is currently slightly poorer than the other two systems

for this small test set.

As with Sung and Poggio’s work,Moghoddam and Pentland’s approach uses a two component

distance measure, but combines the two distances in a principled way based on the assumption that

the distribution of each cluster is Gaussian [13]. The clusters are used together as a multi-modal

Gaussian distribution, giving a probability distribution for all face images. Faces are detected by

measuring how well each window of the input image fits the distribution, and setting a threshold.

This detection technique has been applied to faces, and to the detection of smaller features like the

eyes, nose, and mouth.

Moghaddam and Pentland’s system, along with several others, was tested in the FERET evaluation

of face recognitionmethods [16,17]. Although the actual detection error rates are not reported,

an upper bound can be derived from the recognition error rates. The recognition error rate, averaged

over all the tested systems, for frontal photographs taken in the same sitting is less than 2%

(see the rank 50 results in Figure 4 of [16]). This means that the number of images containing

detection errors, either false alarms or missing faces, was less than 2% of all images. Anecdotally,

the actual error rate is significantly less than 2%. As shown in Table 2, our system using the con-

figuration of System 11 achieves a 2% error rate on frontal faces. Given the large differences in

performance of our system on Test Set 1 and the FERET images, it is clear that these two test sets

exercise different portions of the system. The FERET images examine the coverage of a broad

range of face types under good lighting with uncluttered backgrounds, while Test Set 1 tests the

robustness to variable lighting and cluttered backgrounds.

The candidate verification process used to speed up our system, described in Section 4, is

similar to the detection technique presented in [23]. In that work, two networks were used. The

first network has a single output, and like our system it is trained to produce a positive value for

centered faces, and a negative value for nonfaces. Unlike our system, for faces that are not perfectly

centered, the network is trained to produce an intermediate value related to how far off-center the

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 11

face is. This network scans over the image to produce candidate face locations. The network must

be applied at every pixel position, but it runs quickly because of the its architecture: using retinal

connections and shared weights, much of the computation required for one application of the

detector can be reused at the adjacent pixel position. This optimization requires the preprocessing

to have a restricted form, such that it takes as input the entire image, and produces as output a new

image. The nonlinear window-by-window preprocessing used in our system cannot be used. A

second network is used for precise localization: it is trained to produce a positive response for an

exactly centered face, and a negative response for faces which are not centered. It is not trained

at all on nonfaces. All candidates which produce a positive response from the second network are

output as detections. One possible problem with this work is that the negative training examples

are selected manually from a small set of images (indoor scenes, similar to those used for testing

the system). It may be possible to make the detectors more robust using the bootstrap training

technique described here and in [21].

In recent work, Colmenarez and Huang presented a statistically based method for face detection

[4]. Their system builds probabilistic models of the sets of faces and nonfaces, and compares

how well each input window compares with these two categories. When applied to Test Set 1, their

system achieves a detection rate between 86.8% and 98.0%, with between 6133 and 12758 false

detections, respectively, depending on a threshold. These numbers should be compared to Systems

1 through 4 in Table 1, which have detection rates between 90.9% and 92.1%, with between

738 and 945 false detections. Although their false alarm rate is significantly higher, their system

is quite fast. It would be interesting to use this system as a replacement for the candidate detector

described in Section 4.

6 Conclusions and Future Research

Our algorithm can detect between 77.9% and 90.3% of faces in a set of 130 test images, with

an acceptable number of false detections. Depending on the application, the system can be made

more or less conservative by varying the arbitration heuristics or thresholds used. The system has

been tested on a wide variety of images, with many faces and unconstrained backgrounds. A fast

version of the system can process a 320x240 pixel image in 2 to 4 seconds on a 200 MHz R4400

SGI Indigo 2.

There are a number of directions for future work. The main limitation of the current system

is that it only detects upright faces looking at the camera. Separate versions of the system could

be trained for each head orientation, and the results could be combined using arbitration methods

similar to those presented here. Preliminarywork in this area indicates that detecting profiles views

of faces is more difficult than detecting frontal views, because they have fewer stable features and

because the input window will contain more background pixels. We have also applied the same

algorithm for the detection of car tires and human eyes, although more work is needed.

Even within the domain of detecting frontal views of faces, more work remains. When an

image sequence is available, temporal coherence can focus attention on particular portions of the

images. As a face moves about, its location in one frame is a strong predictor of its location in

next frame. Standard tracking methods, as well as expectation-based methods [2], can be applied

to focus the detector’s attention. Other methods of improving system performance include obtaining

more positive examples for training, or applying more sophisticated image preprocessing and

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 12

normalization techniques.

One application of this work is in the area of media technology. Every year, improved technology

provides cheaper and more efficient ways of storing and retrieving visual information.

However, automatic high-level classification of the information content is very limited; this is a

bottleneck that prevents media technology from reaching its full potential. Systems utilizing the

detector described above allow a user to make requests of the form “Show me the people who

appear in this video” [18, 20] or “Which images on the World Wide Web contain faces?” [6] and

to have their queries answered automatically.


The authors would like to thank Kah-Kay Sung and Dr. Tomaso Poggio (at MIT) and Dr. Woodward

Yang (at Harvard) for providing a series of test images and a mug-shot database for training,

respectively. Michael Smith (at CMU) provided some digitized television images for testing

purposes. Test Set 2 consists of facial images from the FERET database, collected under the

ARPA/ARL FERET program [17]. We also thank Eugene Fink, Xue-Mei Wang, Hao-Chi Wong,

Tim Rowley, Kaari Flagstad, and the reviewers for their comments on earlier versions of this paper.

This work was partially supported by a grant from Siemens Corporate Research, Incorporated,

by the Department of the Army, Army Research Office under grant number DAAH04-94-G-0006,

and by the Office of Naval Research under grant number N00014-95-1-0591. Shumeet Baluja

received support from a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, and a graduate student

fellowship from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, administered by the Lyndon

B. Johnson Space Center. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the

authors, and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing official policies or endorsements,

either expressed or implied, of the sponsoring agencies.

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 13


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Henry A. Rowley is currently a Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University in the Computer

Science Department. His research work involves using machine learning techniques improve the

performance of object detection and recognition algorithms in computer vision. He received B.S.

degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering fromthe University ofMinnesota in 1992.

Shumeet Baluja received his B.S. degree in computer science from the University of Virginia,

Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1992, and completed his Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie

Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1996. He is currently a research scientist at Justsystem

Pittsburgh Research Center, and an adjunct faculty member in the Computer Science Department

and The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

His research interests include the integration of machine learning and computer vision, mechanisms

for selective attention in vision, artificial neural networks and their applications, and highdimensional


Takeo Kanade received a Doctoral degree in electrical engineering from Kyoto University,

Japan, in 1974.

After holding a faculty position at the Department of Information Science, Kyoto University,

he joined Carnegie Mellon University in 1980, where he is currently the U. A. Helen Whitaker

Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Robotics Institute.

Dr. Kanade has made technical contributions in multiple areas of robotics: vision, manipulators,

autonomous mobile robots, and sensors. He has written more than 150 technical papers and

reports in these areas. He has been the principle investigator of several major vision and robotics

projects at Carnegie Mellon. In the area of education, he was a founding chairperson of Carnegie

Mellon’s Robotics Ph.D. program, probably the first of its kind. Dr. Kanade is a Founding Fellow

of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence, and the founding editor of the International

Journal of Computer Vision. He has served formany government, industry, and university advisory

or consultant committees, including Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (ASEB) of the National

Research Council, NASA’s Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (a congressionally

mandated committee) and the Advisory Board of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.

Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade: Neural Network-Based Face Detection (PAMI, January 1998) 16


Henry A. Rowley and Takeo Kanade are with the Department of Computer Science, Carnegie

Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA. Shumeet Baluja is with the

Justsystem Pittsburgh Research Center, 4616 Henry Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA, and is

also associated with the Department of Computer Science and the Robotics Institute at Carnegie

Mellon University. E-mail: har@cs.cmu.edu, tk@cs.cmu.edu, baluja@jprc.com.

1An interactive demonstration of the system is available on the WorldWide Web at

http://www.cs.cmu.edu/˜har/faces.html, which allows anyone to submit images

for processing by the face detector, and to see the detection results for pictures submitted by other


2Dr. Woodward Yang at Harvard provided over 400 mug-shot images which are part of the

training set.

3These images are available over the WorldWide Web, at the URL


4Specifically, we used images fromgroups 1 and 3, with labels fa and fb for the frontal group,

rb and rc for the 15 group, and ql and qr for the 22:5 group.

5After painstakingly trying to arrange these images compactly by hand, we decided to use a

more systematic approach. These images were laid out automatically by the PBIL optimization

algorithm [1]. The objective function tries to pack images as closely as possible, by maximizing

the amount of space left over at the bottom of each page.