Hiya.. Morgan Elizabeth here. Sorry if I don't sound too happy.. but I have an icky job and I'm NOT happy at all.. Li'l Angelz Orphanage is officially closed now.. and I can't be the mascot anymore. *sniffle* Anyways.. Mommy has some stuff to say down below.. Thanks Morgan. Hi everyone.. While I used to want to keep the idea of an orphanage only site all to myself, now I want to share it. I believe that the babyz community needs more orphanages and sites that concentrate only on adoptions, because there are a lot of babyz who need good homes. Therefore, I am sharing my idea with all of you. Feel free to make as many orphanges and adoption only sites as you please. BUT, do not steal my idea of The Great Eight Halo Hunt, do not steal my graphics, do NOT make your site look exactly like mine.. AND, the biggest thing: Make sure somewhere on your site there is a message saying you're using the idea with permission from Dana of Li'l Angelz Orphanage!If I find sites who use my idea after this, and do not put that simple statement, then I'm going to be angry. Please also link back to this site if you can. http://www.geocities.com/lilangelzorphanage. - ~Dana~ |
* * All of the images, content, and ideas on this webpage are copyright 2000-2001 by the webpage's creator, Dana Martin, unless stated otherwise. * *
* * Webpage created January 22, 2000. * *