~Happiness is something that comes into
our lives through swinging doors,
doors that we don't even remember leaving open~

Hello, my name is Debbie and I live in the surrounding area of New Orleans. My site is dedicated to my family and friends because without them I would not be here. My favorite colors are blue, rust and dark green. I love to dance, travel, hike, and dabble in poetry. I have a nice collection of dolls and angels that I have collected over the years on trips in and out of the country. I enjoy looking at the angels, they are the most beautiful creatures floating amoung us. Yes I do believe that God has sent each one of us an Angel to watch over us, how else can we explain the weird or bad situations we get ourselves in and out of. Angels are a confort to me and helps me keep in close contact with my lost loved ones. Besides we all know you can never go wrong with an angel in our pocket!

I hope you find my site easy to navigate. I welcome any comments you may have for improvement. I do appreciate you dropping by and please come back again. Ohhh and don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way out. You have a good day and remember the angels are watching over you.

Places for you to visit.
Woman Breast Cancer Stop Pedophiles
A World Not Known Dedicated to "LOD"
Poems Written by Me God's Eternal Angels
Patriotic Quilt In Memory of 911-pg. 1
LOD'sTrivia & Games La. Darlin Magnolia's
In Memory of 911 - pg. 2 Throw Me Something Mister!

Designs and graphics by Deb © 2006, tubes by Outlawbydesign