The Regennitter Photo Album
Cindy's Calendar
Rebecca tried coming into this world on November 15, two months ahead of schedule... Mommy  was taken to the hospital and Rebecca was kicking to come out.  The Doctors were able to stop Mommy's contractions, and Mommy was then put on bed rest for 6 weeks.

Mommy's water broke on December 23 at 3:30am and was admitted into the hospital at 4:30.  After some trouble with the administration of the epidural (which turned into a spinal tap), Mommy gave birth to Rebecca at 10:53am.  Rebecca had a bad case of jaundice, and had to stay in the hospital until Dec. 26.

Mama: Cindy
Papa:  Ross
Born on:   December 23, 2002  at 10:53 am
Born at:  Good Shephard Hospital, Barrington, IL
Weight:   7 pounds 9 ounces
Measuring:  19 inches long
Hair Color:   Blonde
Eye Color:  Blue
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker
Mommy was induced on May 20th due to pelvic and sciatic nerve pain. Cindy's water broke at 12:30 pm and Mommy gave birth to Nathan at 3:36 pm.  Nathan was born after 2 hours of fast delivery. He was badly bruised with Mommy's umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.  Nathan had stopped breathing after birth and had low blood sugar due to the trauma his little body went through.  From all of the bruising to his face and head (due to being lodged behind Cindy's pelvis), Nathan developed a bad case of jaundice.

Mama: Cindy
Papa:  Ross
Born on:   May 20, 2005  at 3:36 pm
Born at:   Mercy Memeorial Hospital, Woodstock, IL
Weight:   7 pounds 8 ounces
Measuring:  22  inches long
Hair Color:   Brown
Eye Color:  Slate
Plagiocephaly Page