@Hanamayu; Silk Cocoon Flowers


From 10 Exhibition@i‚m‚‚–D2001j.

"Hanamayu" is a patented Japanese artificial flower, created by Tomiko Sakai, and made from the silk cocoon. "Hana" means flower, and "mayu" means cocoon, in Japanese.

A silk cocoon is strong and light, with natural, brilliance and style. Hanamayu flowers, embodying all these characteristics, have a unique delicate beauty. Even your sigh is enough to make them tremble. Unlike other artificial flowers, need no artificial tools like ironing to preserve their shape. A gentle touch of your fingers is enough to restore the natural curve.

Of course, silk cocoons are normally unraveled to make raw silk. Unfortunately some of the silk cocoons are irregular, stained or of an inappropriate size and are doomed to waste in the silk industry. Hanamayu flowers utilize even these irregular cocoons. Even the natural stains can be used and incorporated as beautiful decoration designs.

Japan was once the King of silk production, but sericulture has declined over generations, defeated by international competition. But even today, silk and sericulture is the backbone of Japanese culture and heart. We wish always to maintain our silk culture with Hanamayu flowers.

Tomiko Sakai

Hanamayu Arrangement Gallery

10th Exhibition@i2001D11j

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9th Exhibition@i2000D11j

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7th hanamayu @i1999D11j




For class information;

Studio Ai

Daiko-Minami 2-2-1-102
Nagoya, Aichi
Japan 461-0047

TEL/FAX: +81-52-721-2638
E-mail: kemala@muh.biglobe.ne.jp






