By Juha Survonen


In 63 BC Antiochus I of Kommagene made peace with Pompeius.
Next year young jewish female, Mary gave birth to his child, Immanuel.

Joseph was merely a step-father aswell as Zacharias the father of John.

John the Baptizer, was born in March 62 BC.

The Gospel is right in suggesting that the Precursor was born about six months before Christ.
Immanuel was born in September 62 BC.

Mitridates I, father of Antiochus I, had three daughters one of whom,
Eupatra (Mother of Cleopatra VII) was married to Ptolemies XII.

Immanuel thus had famous cousin Cleopatra VII.

John the precursor began his ministry in 35 BC at the age of 27.

12th of July, 30 BC Cleopatra VII commits suicide. After that John baptized Immanuel who was 32 years of age.

Closely afterwards Herod the Great Imprisoned John and had him beheaded.
Herod's wife Mariamne, a close friend of Cleopatra was acquinted with Immanuel.
Therefore Herod used scornfully "INRI" as a sign on the pole.

Both John and Immanuel were raised according to " NOMOS". They also had resemblance in their
looks. Immanuel distinguished from the jews as he had hair and beard colored in gold.

Both John and Immanuel kept secret who their father was. Propably Judas
Iscariot was among the few who knew their real fathers.

Immanuel was crucified in 24 BC. Herod thought he was reborn John.

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It was princess Aksenaten who gave Moses the two tablets containing ten commandments.

The crime Adam and Eve were sentenced for was murder. Therefore they were expelled and their clothing was taken away.

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