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ALVAIR is now a place in time. We sold our beloved barn in 2004 as we had to relocate due to Outsorcing of US IT jobs to India. The barnhouse is located in southwestern Michigan. This barn was built over 100 years ago and the conversion to a home was completed in 1982. On page two you will be able to see a picture of the original barn.

There is nothing like living in a barn.

This is the main floor living room.

This is the living room after it was remodeled to open up the foyer.

This is the sun room off the main floor living room. This room was designed to provide passive solar heating in the winter. The floor is black tile and in the winter months the sun heats the floor and the field stones on the back of the fireplace, which then radiate heat during night.

Click here to see additional solar information.

Here is the view from the sun room's two story window.

This is the view of the sunroom after remodeling to second bedroom to open it up and make it a TV room.

Here is the rear view of the Barn.

Click here to go to page 2.