Welcome to the World of HAWORTHIAS and GASTERIAS

the 'jewels' of the plant kingdom

Welcome to my Haworthia & Gasteria pages:-

My interests are: Growing & propagating Haworthia & Gasteria plants & introducing their jewel like beauty to others! I have been growing these plants for more than 25 years and have a large and comprehensive collection. I will be posting pictures of my plants here on these pages as I find time. Please follow the link below to "Page2." to view the pictures. Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haworthia truncata giant form in 6" square pot

E-mail me at otiose@netscape.net

Links to other sites on the Web

Aloes Anonymous
Haworthia Society
Haworthia List Archive
Cactus & Succulent Soc. of America
Burk's Nursery
International Currency Converter

Please email me if you know of any links that are especially dedicated to Haworthias & /or Gasterias

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