<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ar/marjas/images/stargl ow.gif"

First of all let me tell you a little about myself. I am from Arkansas..I have been online now for 2 years & met alot of nice people on the net. We met 1 very special couple in person.. I am married, been married for 4 1/2 years. We do not have any children but we have 4 dogs that act like kids *S*. I work at a sheriff department as a Dispatcher & My husband works for police deptartment as a police officer/k-9 handler (I am his dispatcher as well).. I have change my page up a whole lot these last few days .I wanted to make it easier so I put all my links on the first page also at the bottom of my first page & every page after is a next button to where you can view all of the pages.. Your choice you can click on the link that interest you or go to the next button on each page and view them all 1 by 1.. I haven't quite finished all the pages so bare with me and just pass those pages up by clicking the next button..& If there is any broken links please e-mail me and let me know..Just click on the link below called "MY OTHER PAGES" and my dear friend "the handcuffs" *S*....Oh and bye the way please sign my guest book before leaving. Thanks for visiting my homepage.>>HAVE FUN<<

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