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Wil je GELD verdienen en SMSen ? Surf dan naar dynamicsms

Earning MONEY and sending SMS ? Surf to dynamicsms

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Het Vertrekpunt To find wathever is cool. Each link refers to a site with a number of codes, links, games, search-engines, tricks, ... Cause life is a game and sport is the answer!! 1. Cool stuff is made for the best site of the moment. 2. Hacken and Cracken to find tricks, codes, warez and superwarezsites. Also games and music. 3. Here you find all about the stock market; de beurs index, en alle links zoals de tijd, de beurs. 4. KULeuven and science is a database with libis, rotten, ... 5. Music to find all mp3'z on warez. All the pictures you ever wanted!! 6. Games with yahoo chess, sms games and many others. 7. Sport and database is the place to find all about sport and stuff like kuleuven! 8. Mail, sms and chat where you can read your emails on yahoo, hotmail, ... you can send sms and chat on mIRC or donna. GSM with melodies, codes and tricks, pictures, ... 9. Cool Site with the coolest stuff on the moment! 10. Search has a lot of search engines like yahoo, infoseek, altavista, ...

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