My new house at Aswathy Park

A-53 Aswathy Park, Kazhakuttom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.

December, 1998.

Hi I'm Markose. My friends also call me Rueben.
We just moved into our new house at Aswathy Park. Surrounded by coconut trees, and far from the maddening crowd, the tranquil settings of Aswathy Park has a soothing effect on one's nerves. The serenity and splendour of the location is an experience never to be forgotten.

Click on the pictures below to see a bigger version.

My house -- Another similar house -- My brother

Me in front of our unfinished gate ------ A row of houses ----- My brother in the coconut grove

And here's a beautiful sunset as photographed by my father from the roof of our house.

This picture can also be seen at the Virtual Sunset Gallery of CNN at

You can e-mail me at


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