Peppers_Compact_Japanese_Tractor_Page Pepper's Compact Tractor Page

  Hi, my name is Brents Pepper and welcome to my compact tractor page. I refurbish                compact Japanese tractors. I use them for a while and when I decide I want something            different, I sell one and start all over again. Fell free to contact me to see if there is   
something availible. The pictures below show some of my project tractors. Once you have one  you will wonder how you got along without it.


  Hinomoto E2304 with Koyker Loader

     Hinomoto C144 16hp 3cyl. Diesel


   Yanmar YM1700 20hp 2WD Diesel

Satoh(Mitsubishi) ST1510D 17hp 4WD


I take the time to completely service all my     tractors. They get new fluids and filters.   Bearings  and seals are replaced if needed.  Sometimes they get a new paint job. The Satoh above was completely stripped down and repainted. I like for my tractors to look as good as they run.


              This is Daddy's Lil' Helper

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