Abracadabra's Homepage
Abracadabra is my character name on Atlantis ][. I have been a resident of Atlantis since 1995. Atlantis is a talker where I have met many wonderful people, many of who occupy a spot on this homepage. If you would like to visit our homepage to learn more about Atlantis ][ click here>>>
Abracadabra and Fluffy
This is the real me, my name is Wanda. I am a graduate of USM and am now an RN. I am 35 years old and the proud mother of two sons.
Pics of my family, click here.--->>
Friends .......far and near, all of them dear. If you click on their pictures, you will be taken to their page. That's if I know the address. =>
Clay aka Cal aka Calbaby!!!
Kinetic and Lucylou
akaTony Mendolia and Laura Whitmire
The King and Queen of Atlantis!!
Yep another one of Tony just because this pic cracks me up. =)
Hulk Monstah aka San Juan Ramirez
Erik aka Street makes me wanna need mouth to mouth. =)
Innocent Valentine aka Denise. (yeah right)
Mystical and Marauder
Misty and Jason Spiers who were wed on November 21, 1998. Even though I missed their wedding, my heart and good vibes are always with them.
Reteah aka Heather Schneider. Haven't talked to her ages, but I've been thinking bout ya RET!!!!
Tanleyis aka Dennis Toepoel, my net.brother from the Netherlands.
Moonraker and Katt aka John and Rica Moon with their son Thomas. My other net.brother and only net.sister-in-law and net.nephew!!!
Prego aka June aka my cousin and her adorable daughter Kayla
Are you a friend of mine??? Is your picture here??? If not, send it to me and it will be posted here asap.