Mark van Roojen's Homepage

A man with too many hobbies


My Philosophy Page.

My Philosophy 106 course links.

My Woodworking Page.

My Old House Page.

My Timberframe Cabin Page.

My Father's Milling Machine.

I'm Mark van Roojen, a professor of philosophy at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. I mainly teach and publish in the areas of metaethics, ethics and political philosophy. Both my teaching and research interests are linked through my philosophy page. It includes links to my published and some unpublished paper, syllabi for courses I teach and some other relevant stuff. Our department has been doing really well recently with good new hires and I have some new things I'm working on that I talk about a bit on that section of my website, so if your interests are in philosophy have a look.

Away from work these days I spend a good deal of my spare time working on my timberframe cabin in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Wyoming. You can see that work on the section of my website devoted to that project accessible on the sidebar on the left of this page. I've been lucky enough to have a couple of architecture sites link to it so I'm getting quite a few visitors to the site these days. I also work on my old house, a foursquare vernacular version vaguely in Prairie style, built in 1914. We have done a lot of work on it and that section of the website shows a bunch of it. Early on we added on to the space for the kitchen (the kitchen, itself an early addition, was pretty trashed when we bought it), and are trying to put in something of the sort that might have been there originally. We've also done a reconstruction of the bathroom in something like the original style of which I'm quite proud. When I say we, I really do mean we, since very little work has been hired out. Partly that's because we don't have the money and partly it is because of a bit of fanaticism for authenticity. Too much home renovation actually replaces good age appropriate materials with new materials that don't work as well, such as vinyl siding and replacement windows when repairs to what is already there would cost less and do the job.

Before we got the house and now the cabin, I spent a good deal of time doing other sorts of woodworking. Among other things, I have built acoustic and electric guitars, my workbench, several boxes, and stereo equipment cabinets. While I use power tools and especially like old machinery, much of my woodworking is with hand tools. By this time I have quite a nice working set (some would say a collection). I enjoy using older planes, saws, chisels, and other tools but I also enjoy just looking at and playing with them. As a result I have joined the Midwest Tool Collectors Association. I used to hit a lot of garage sales and flea markets to find tools, but recently I've been pretty busy and have slacked off on those endeavors.

Prior to getting the house I also spent a lot of time playing with vacuum tube guitar and hifi amplifiers. These days, aside from the hifi amps I regularly use, I haven't done much with that hobby. I still have some projects in mind, so you never know when that hobby will be resurrected. I do have jpegs of the guitars on my woodworking pages linked through the sidebar.

I've also got a page up about a small milling machine my father built before he died. He worked for many years as an engineer at Ingersoll Milling Machine Company and had hoped to use it to build models when he retired.

Stop back as things change.

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