National Squirrels Against Scary Squirrel World
national squirrels against scary squirrel world

                                                                           The Squirrel Creed
                                           Deep in the forests and treetops we live, scampering and eating nuts.
                                     The humans watch and torture, they throw pinecones and rocks at our butts.
                                          Helpless little squirrels are we, websites devoted to exterminating thee.
                                            We will retailiate, Scary Squirrel World shall meet its horrible fate!

                                                                     Updates from the Pine Tree
                                                               Why we hate Scary Squirrel World
                                                                    101 Ways to Annoy Humans
                                                                         The Squirrel Assassins
                                                                     Anti-SSW Bumper Stickers
                                                     Experience the horrors of Scary Squirrel World
                                                                            Mission Statement
                                                                       Bushytails and Bastards

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We squirrels would like to thank the kind humans at geocities for actually giving us a web page.  It seems that other providers are against us squirrels.