The Technical Writer's Sanctuary


What is a Technical Writer? Technical Writer's Resource Page Careers in Technical Writing

A Note From One Technical Writer to Another

This site has been designed to provide some help and comfort to those just getting started in the field of technical communications at either the student or the professional level (don't worry, you're not alone).  As a student who is almost at the end of his undergraduate education, I have tried to include some things that I think will be useful for students at all levels of education as well as professionals who may just be starting or looking for a new career.  I hope you like what I've done.

If you have any comments or questions about anything having to do with this website or about technical writing in general, please feel free to contact me (please include "The Technical Writer's Sanctuary" in the subject line of the e-mail).

Some of the Things You Will Find on this Site

This site contains a variety of information for and about both the student and professional technical writer.  For the sake of organization, I have broken my site down into the following categories:

What is a Technical Writer?

In this section, I have included some of my thoughts about what a technical writer is at both the student and professional level.  You will find, when looking at this section, that the bulk of my writing concerning technical writing students is from first-hand experience while the majority of my information about the professional environment (besides my personal experiences as an undergraduate intern) comes from my experiences with other individuals who are professional technical writers.

Technical Writer's Resource Page

This part of my website includes a few different things I have found to be especially valuable in my experiences as an undergraduate technical writing student which includes the following categories:

Careers in Technical Writing

As an undergraduate who is preparing to leave the university and enter the job market, one of the most important things on my mind right now is finding the right job.  In this section, I have included the following job-related information for technical writers who may either be preparing to enter the workforce for the first time or thinking about changing jobs:

[Home] [What is a Technical Writer?] [Technical Writer's Resource Page] [Careers in Technical Writing]

Contact Me
Jeremy Bates