<BGSOUND SRC="/siouxmaz/MusicSultans.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to Our New House
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This was our old house
Hi There!!!
We'll  be posting the progress of our new house step by step....
Week of Sept. 14,1999
Week of Sept. 7th, 1999
Week of Sept. 27th 1999
Week of Sept.20th,1999
Oct.8th, 1999.
Oct. 4th, 1999
Oct. 23,1999
November 1,1999
November 6, 1999
November 12, 1999
This was the week of taping, texturing and painting...
Happy Thanksgiving
November 26, 1999
November 19,1999
Here are some Pictures of the inside of our new house   2/2000
Take a Ride to the Acker Family Reunion
Dr. Ds' links
*E-Mail Us*