<BGSOUND SRC="/ves_gorecki/rainsong.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Ves Gorecki (Wieslaw)
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Civil Engineer CPEng MIEAust

Magister Engineer in Technology and Organisation of Highways Construction, Graduate of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) Poland,1983.

Professional Expertise
Operation and Management of a Civil Engineering Company including:
- Contract and
Project Management Method;
Project Management Templates;
- Design and Construction of Roads;
- Railways;
- Concrete Pavements;
- Traffic and Safety;
- Pedestrian and Cyclists Facilities;
- Road Network Operation; and
- Road Data.

- Tables of 15000 Concrete Pavement Thickness Designs (Austroads / AASHTO Method);
- Driving Metronome (self test and audible guide to keep a safe distance between vhicles, to avoid tailgting);
- Elastic Band Method for the Design of Road Profile and Allignment.

Professional Interrests
Transportation and Coastal Infrastructure, Project & Contract Management.

Sailing, Exploration by 4WD.

Coastal Information
Sailing Great Barrier Reef  May 2004
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Weekend Destination Rottnest Island
WA Painter Jeremy Holton
WA Live Cameras
Ningaloo Reef
4 Wheel Driving Club
Perth & Western Australia Guide
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Consultancy Services:

Engineering Procurement & Construction Management

Engineering Jobs

Concrete Pavements Design

Developing and Customising of Project Management Systems



and the
Project Management Templates

Method 123

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MPMM  and  Method123
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