Horticultural Artist
Landscape Design and Maintenance
Although I love to garden as a hobby, I am NOT a
I am a "Horticultural Artist".
I create beautiful places, living, growing, works of art,
that improve with age. I often have people approach me at work with landscape
questions. I have tried, in these pages, to address all of
the common
questions that I am asked, as well as the common mistakes I
see made. I don't claim to know it all, but I have gained
considerable knowledge in my 10+ years of proffessional
landscaping. If you have a question, feel free to Email me,
and I will do my best to answer it.
The Flower Lady
Please sign my guestbook
This site is my "release" when I get home from work most
days, so it is constantly growing and changing. Check back
often. You never know what you might find. I just bought a
house, and plan to have lots of photos as I redo my yard. I
also have some other great projects in the
works. Although basic horticultural
principles are the same anywhere, Some of my information
may be geared more towards the southeast.
Me, my
truck, and my chainsaw: Photo
Spring means everything is green and growing! Flowers are blooming! It makes me feel sorry for anyone who is stuck indoors all day. I'm so lucky to be able to work outdoors, with all the wonderful plants and flowers! Spring in Tennessee means lots of Azaleas and Tulips! I have photographed some beautiful places that Mother Nature and I have worked on. Take a look at some colorful spring photos.
Summer is the time for annuals, & many perinnials to put on their show. I've got some photos here for you of some of my summer plantings. Unfortuately, I am not a very good photographer, so many of the photos that I had hoped would be the best, just didn't turn out very well. Anyway, here are the ones that did turn out pretty good:
They say practice makes perfect, so hopefully I'll get better at the picture taking. I'll add and/or change photos as I take some better ones.
on the title of the page you want to visit.
I work for a large commercial landscape company in
Memphis, Tennessee.
I earned my nickname, the "Flower Lady" because of
the many large commercial flower beds that I plant; up to
10,000 flowers on a single property, and I do many
properties. Many people call it hard work. I call it Fun!
Many people call me a workaholic, but I just love what I
Actually, my specialty is not flowers, but trim
work; trimming trees and shrubs. I spend about 3 1/2 months
each year planting flowers. The rest of the time I spend
mostly trimming, and planting a few trees and shrubs. I
guess my flowers are what people notice most,
because nobody ever calls me the "Trim Lady.
I enjoy turning overgrown
and neglected plants into works of art. Its hard to
say which is more fun, planting a new landscape from
scratch, or fixing up an old, overgrown one. Either way at
the end of the day, I know that I've made a part of this
earth more beautiful!
Flower Lady Pages
The Flower Lady-
Horticultural Artist
The Flower Lady on Flowers
The Key to a Good Landscape
The Mulch Page
The Right Tool
Help for the Horticulturally Challenged
More help for the Horticulturally Challenged
How to Find Competent Landscape Professionals
A Landscape as a Work of Art
Design Disasters (and Bad Ideas)
These Plants Deserve Some Respect (Southern
Ounce of Prevention
Pruning Page
Planting/Transplanting Page
Azalea Photo Pages
Send Me Flowers
Contrary to popular belief, Summer is the slow time for making improvements to your landscape. Fall is the time to divide most perinnials, and to plant trees and shrubs. The greatest root growth occurs in the fall, so fall plantings have the best chance to become esablished, and prepare for their spring and summer growth. Fall is also a much more pleasant time to work outdoors, since its much cooler. Fall is also the time to plant pansies for winter long color. (unless you live way up north, where they'd be buried under ice & snow all winter.) It's also the time to plant spring bulbs.
Fall or winter is also the best time for pruning most plants.
Time to get out that pole pruner, loppers, and spade! Winter is major pruning time! If you've been planning to move some plants, winter is the time to do it. Plants are dormant, and come spring, won't even know they've been moved.
You unfortunate people who live where the ground is frozen all winter should move your plants just before or after it freezes. Winter is also a great time to mulch all your beds. The heat from the mulch will keep you warm.OK, I've been in my houe for a year now, & I've been working on my yard. It was a mess when I bought it, but with tons of potential. I've added a pond, and my backyard is now a certified wildlife habitat.(through the National Wildlife Federation) When things slow down this fall & winter, I promise to add some photos of my accomplishments.
For now, to show you what I started with, here are some "before pictures"
© 1997 Flowerladi@webtv.net
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