Christian Harmony

A Servant's Site


Hi, I'm Andy. I am so pleased that you have decided to visit my site, thank you.
Some of you may notice a change since you were last here. Most of you know I got married in February of 2002. Here is a picture of me and my lovely bride Amy. I know that for the most part, only people that know me will visit here, but on the off chance you stumbled on this page, I invite you to stick around and learn more about us and I expect and hope those that know me will read on....haha.


This picture is a great one of Amy and my beautiful daughter Joanna. I took this while we were in our very first hotair ballon ride. And yes I was pretty scared, just ask Amy or Joanna! Keep reading to learn more about us.

If you were familiar with my first site, you know at that time I was single. My first wife had left me and Joanna had decided to stay with me (thank God). Since that time, Joanna has chosen to go live with her mother. I miss her and I pray for her daily. Please pray that she will get back in to church soon and that she will be safe.

Thanks in part to this site, I found my beautiful wife Amy. How? you may ask yourself.
Well let me tell you about it... A great friend of mine told me about a website for Christian Singles, called Christian Cafe. I purchased a membership, posted a profile and began to browse the profiles of single ladies in my state.
Well one of the ladies happened to be my future bride! I sent inquiries to a few of the single women who had the same interests and beliefs I did. By the Grace of God I happened upon Amy's profile while she was on a five day free trial membership.
Since the only communication between members and trial members was within the site (you can't post email addresses or URL's on the profiles), Amy was resourceful and found my website and the email address that was listed here.
I am so thankful to the Lord that she took the effort to do that. We conversed for a few months through email, only friendly chat, with no immediate plans or romantic intentions.
One fateful day close to Christmas, Amy decided to send me a card through traditional mail. At this time we had not even spoken to each other on the phone. After Amy had already put the card in the mailbox to be picked up, she decided to include her phone number in case I wanted to talk to someone at what was going to be a lonely time for me. So she went to the trouble of having to open up the card and changing envelopes just so I might have someone friendly to talk with.
Needless to say, we spoke with each other, met and as they say, the rest is history. (this is unfinished if you are just dropping by)

On July 25th 2003, Amy and I were blessed with a son, JT! He was born prematurely and has been fighting and surviving thanks to all the prayers that have been lifted for him. I know that God has blessed us beyond belief with this little boy. HOWDY
This picture was taken on the day that he was breathing without any assistance, totally on his own! Looks like he is praising the Lord doesn't it? We are so proud. This next picture was when I was able to hold our boy for the first time. Do I look proud or what?
Dads first hold
I will try to keep the site up to date on JT as much as possible. In the mean time, please pray for our boy that he will get stronger every day.

May 2nd 2004 update: Our boy is doing well and getting bigger every day. Here is a recent photo of our handsome man.
What a charmer, huh?

Easter 2005 update, JT is doing well and so are we. Amy and I are both down about 80 plus pounds each (don't Amy and JT look great?)! Easter

Jesus is my Lord
animated cross
I am happy to announce that I was chosen to go on a Luxottica Give the Gift of Sight mission to give eyeglasses out to the needy in Cambodia in 2006. Look for pictures from the mission in the future. Please click the graphic to check out the website to see how you can help the world see.

Givft of Sight

My interests are:
Christian music,books,writing,and movies.
Also my favorite College team UNC! (check out my UNC page)

Email me at .
Please visit the links below for info on great Christian Artists.
This is a work in progress so, be kind.
Sign my guestbook if you like.
This page was provided totally free, make your own and have fun.

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For those interested in poetry, check out this next page.

Links to other sites on the Web

Some great home pages of my favorite Christian Artists!!!!
Just click on the pics to visit their sites

Bob Carlisle
Ray Boltz
Chris Rice



UNC's official site

The Left Behind Site

The Veggietales site
Big Idea Productions

Great Christian Music at

Some of the graphics on this page and others were provided by Pat's web graphics. Check out her site, it is a wealth of images.
Pat's Web Graphics

If you like RUSH, you might like visiting my friends at this site.
Be forewarned though, I can't control some folk's language.
They are some good people though, they accepted me as a friend, and that can't be too bad.

This page is under construction.

I hope to add to this page soon, come back often and check it out.


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