| A Collection of Very Special Prayers.
Each day we struggle and focus our every waken moment around how we may better improve our position, existence and fortunes in life. Many of us take little time to focus on the much more important aspect of our eternal existence. Our existence through out all eternity and our relationship with our eternal Farther. This relationship should and must take precedence over any other consideration in our pursuit of worldly goals and aspirations.
More than ever, Prayer is needed in this world of ours. Perhaps more now than at any other time in the history of man. Many of us are more concerned with worldly matters ,and less with eternal wellbeing of our soul. The greater concern for others that are in desperate need of our prayers and the eternal life in the glory of God the Father must be first and paramount in our lives. All other elements of our lives will be richer and more meaningful because of devotion to the Father and concern for other souls.
Lets begin! A collection of Special Prayers |