Welcome to the
Simsbury Photo Gallery
This page is devoted to photographs of the town of Simsbury, CT.

I was born and raised in Simsbury, graduated SHS in the class of '79. Visiting Simsbury related sites on the internet has been very interesting (links to some of these sites are provided at the bottom of this page), but I found there was a frustrating lack of photographs. So I decided to create this website.

Slowly, more and more photographs have been appearing on webpages. Many of them can be seen by visiting the links listed at the bottom of this page. These are the best sources I've found for Simsbury photos and/or information.

I remember Simsbury had a lot of talented photographers, both amateur and professional, and I'm sure it still has. Does anyone remember the old Simsbury Bank calendars that used to come out every year, with black and white photos of scenes from around Simsbury? Surely there a plenty of things to photograph nowadays? So if you have a website with Simsbury photos, let me know the URL address and I will link to it from here. You can email me at: simsgalleryman@geocities.com.

Share your Simsbury photos with the world! Let those of us who have found our way to distant places have a glimpse of the "Olde Charm, New Excitement".

You can use this link to see larger versions of these photos and more, from my visit on October 8th 2000.


Links to other Simsbury Sites:

Simsbury Profile - Facts and figures, courtesy of Hickory Hill.
Town of Simsbury - The offical web site. History of Simsbury, information, links.
Simsbury Public Library - A well designed site, with links and lots of information.
Simsbury Public Schools - Directory of Public Schools, with info and photo galleries.
Simsbury.com - A unique forum and market place for Simsbury residents and cyberspace visitors. News, gossip & information. Visit the community forum and find old friends, or make new ones.
The Valley Book - Your source for information about the Farmington River Valley and the towns in it. They publish a fine free magazine available at locations in the Valley. A great website, with a very flattering description of Simsbury.
Talcott Mountain Science Center - Has live weather CAM.

A Visit to Simsbury
In the fall of 2000, I paid a visit to the east coast. My family has all moved north of Connecticut, but my sister and I made a day trip south to visit SIMSBURY.

It was an overwhelming experience. I had not seen the town since 1983. There was not enough time in one day to see all the sights, but we tried. Here is a sampling of some of the photos I took. It's only about 1/3 of the pics I took, I plan to post more when I have time to work on the site. I am particulary interested in doing an historical retrospective on the Drake Hill area, since that is where I grew up, and it is radically different now. There were six family homes on Drake Hill, and now there are only two. Where the house of my childhood home once was, there now stands a drive-though ATM! I want to show some before and after photos, the way it was and the way it is now. But that is taking some time to assemble. In the meantime, enjoy the sampling.

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This page last updated 03-05-2002

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