My items on eBay

About US 

The Amish connection ,  returns , shipping and ordering.
Nostalgic Tin Thermometers and Signs. 
From nationally known manufactures and our local craftsman.
Over 10,000 unique gift items.
Featuring lace curtains and table covers.

It is 2/8/04 , WOW ! Guess I just wanted to let people know I am alive and well...see ya in a few years.This site is getting outdated because I now have my own domain.You will still get a good idea of what we sell but some things may be outdated.Click on the link below to view our current site.

You may view a sample of our current inventory at countrythings.

Help us make a shopping experience worth your time and effort. Your opinions are important. Let us know what you like or dislike about this site. What do you think of our prices, products, ordering procedure and site critical. Would you like us to accept credit cards at our site? We want to make this a site for the people. If you are happy we will be profitable. If you are not comfortable sending me an email just, fill out my survey! Its only five multiple choice questions. Thank you for your time.

Just send me a note.

Our 99 introductions now available on the net.
Check out the New Catalogue.

Visit my new Closeout Site!   (40-50 % off)   (40-50 % off)

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