Tax Rolls on the WWW

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Over the past two to three years, there has been a greatly increased emphasis on tax roll, or public record, data on the part of both the real estate industry and the general public. With the growth of the WWW, a growing number of counties and cities are making public record data available to the public through the internet.

These pages provide links to tax rolls currently available on the internet as well as to a number of informational reference pages. These reference pages can also be useful in interpreting land descriptions in deeds when doing genealogical research.

Due to the rapid growth in the number of local governments putting property tax information on line, I decided to reorganize the site into individual state pages before the list became any more unwieldy. -- Jan

Tax Roll Links State Index 2/26/01
Property Tax and Deed Reference Links 9/3
Voter Registration Rolls (8/26/98)

Please feel free to mail me if you discover any other links of interest. Thanks.

Page last updated: 08 January 2004
Maintained by: Jan Weinmann