
London Skyline

London is not a city that readily accepts high rises, it is extremely difficult
to get a high rise built in the areas where they are most needed, the west end and the
city. This is mostly due to those areas being zones where, if they are built, they block
the view of St Paul’s from some part of London, normally Hampstead and Primrose Hill.
Because the demand for office space is so high and the City and the West End cannot
supply enough due to height restrictions, developers have looked east, to the Docklands.
There are no height restrictions there and there is a lot of cheap land to develop, so
there are a number of high rise developments up or going up, most notably Canary Wharf
(Europe’s largest single office complex), and Heron Quays. The highest tower in the area
now is One Canada Square at 800ft high, but I am hoping for more buildings of similar
height within the next 5 years.

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Ramat Gan Skyline

Contrary to London, Tel Aviv actively encourages high rise buidings as space is at a
premium in Israel. But where high rises would be good for London in most respects I
am not so sure about how positive their effect on Tel Aviv is. Tel Aviv has over 2
million people including surrounding towns, yet it has no tram system, underground
system or any meaningfull type of public transportation, apart from the buses which are
near useless. The govenment preffers to build highways criss-crossing the town. Due to the high rises,
more people are working in a small area than ever before, and the only way for people
to travel there is by car, making congestion awful, Tel Aviv seems to be dutifully
making every single mistake that Bangkok did. Anyway, apart from their effect, I am
interested in the high rises and want to share them with the world.

Over the past 8 years, Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan have gone into a high rise building
spree, fueled by the ever expanding economy. Speculative developments were and are
going up everywhere and the city is a sea of construction cranes, although not as
impressive as what is going on in Asia, it will not end up in a glut as new high-tech
start ups are forever demanding office space.

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