Hello and welcome to my workshop. I enjoy woodworking and spend quite a bit of time in my garage workshop keeping myself busy and ensuring the prosperity of Bandaid Brand Bandages. My other hobby is diecast cars. You can find pictures of some of my collection under "The Garage." There are also pictures of some model garages and a scale museum I built under "The Model Garage." My wife says I am getting obsessive over the diecast cars. I have about 750 so far. This is my first homepage, and just like all my projects, it will be under constant contruction.

My wife says she is a workshop widow. Check out her page to see how she amuses herself while I am otherwise occupied.

Papa's Projects
(in various stages of completion)

The WS Widow
The Chips off the Old Block
The Toolbelt
The Drafting Table
The Garage
The Model Garage
The Polar Express
My Workshop

Email me!

