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You Are The
Person To Visit Since June Of '98
Hi I am Scott and
This page has some how been taken over by our wonderful
sons favorite cartoons. Hope everyone enjoys
them. Thanks for stopping by.
The link to his page is below.
There are alot of pictures and sounds
on these pages and depending on the speed of
your computer and modem they might
take a while to load all the graphics.
All the pictures and sounds on this
page are ones we gathered off the WWW
and placed here so the little ones won't
have to spend most of their time
using search engines.This way they can
spend more time looking at the stuff they want to see.
Before you leave our page would you please
come back and sign our guestbook and let us
know what you thought of our site.
Any comments on how to improve are also welcome.
There are links at the bottom
of every page.
Thank you for your patience and hope that you enjoy.
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_National Center for Missing and Exploited Children