I don't have any big hat !
Welcome to the deep Heart of TEXAS and Our

I started planning this house in the
summer of 1981 after our son graduated from Samuel High School in Dallas. We moved into a
travel trailer in June 1981 and started the construction in mid November. This twenty one hundred square foot house has eight inch walls and ten inch roof with three feet of dirt so a four thousand pound
vehicle can roll on top. To hold up the roof six ten inch square columns hold up the roof. The front was open making this a open front concrete shell.

The above is the underground plumbing.
I am standing in the back of the house. After I received the plans from the Engineer it
was six weeks and one rain storm to pour the concrete. I was very lucky on the weather.

The above is a concrete pump truck used to
pump one hundred yards on December 21,1981. What a
beautiful day that was. Picture taken at mid day.
This view is the west end of the house where the attached garage was later added.

The man above is keeping all the forms tight.
We did not want that wet concrete on the floor.

Notice the steel that was used in the roof. The
wood forms is for a two foot wide by one and half foot deep beam. The other parts of the
roof is nine inches.

The above is the back of the house. Picture
made in 1991 in the winter.

The above is the side of the house. Some
folks wanted to see the back or side. The barb wire fence is not there anymore. Picture
was made in 1991.

The above is the entrance to the ten and one half acres. This
electric power gate with a television monitor built in the summer of 1993. In the right
background is the back of the house

The above is the front yard. This picture was taken from
the roof that I have to mow! In the center at the trees is a stock
tank. Since this picture the trees have been cut out
around the stock tank.

The above is the master bedroom. The ceiling in
this room is sprayed acoustic on to concrete. The right wall is vinyl paper onto concrete.
I have not seen any
cracks anywhere in the house
sense the pour of 1981.

The above is the living room. The wood burning fire place has a four
inch outside make up for combustion air. Ash wood work with real brick around the fire place.

The above is the kitchen with all built-ins and
ash wood cabinets. Mexican glazed tile for the floor. All rooms have vinyl paper.
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