Dawn's Dream Domain

Hello, My name is Dawn.
I just moved in so give me just a little time and you will see my kids, my hubbie, my pets and some of my intrests. Sure hope you will enjoy it all once it's done. Please come and visit. Just sit back, relax, ~*SMILE*~ , and enjoy your stay. I would like to add a Big Thanks to my friend's Kirsten for doing all this for me, and Lisa for trying to teach me all this html stuff and also for adding the beautiful rose cursor for me. If they hadn't done such a great job, I wouldn't have a page up. Thanks soo much girls, HUGS AND KISSES TO YOU BOTH. *SMILE*

If I have forgotten to add a link,please email with the correct link and I will gladly put it up. As I do want to give credit where credit is due. I know you wonderful artists work hard on your graphics, and offer alot of free ones. So please forgive me if I haven't done something I should have. Thank you for your time and paitence with me.

Count the faeries, how many do you see?

My interests are:
geneology, faeries, family, scrapbooking, crafting, camping, gardening,swimming, and all of the animals here, dogs, cats, birds, & minature horses

The description of my page is:
camping,just all kinds of stuff.


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Created by Kirsten @ Kid's, Kat's & Khaos

Updated August 2, 1999

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