Hi! Welcome to The Snail Lovers Page!

This page is a group effort by many people, from around the world, who keep snails as pets. It is being set up to give you a place to identify different types of snails that are kept as pets and to chat or ask questions about your snail or a snail you may have found or seen.
It is a work in Progress so keep that in mind when you visit.

So far we have several links and about a dozen descriptions of different snails, with pictures. The scientific names, on some, have not been listed yet, but we're working on it. If you would like to help, and know something about one of the snails shown, please feel free to write up a description,(or any info) and email it, and we'll put it up with a credit to you. We appreciate all the help we can get.
We have recently added a new SEARCH tool. (It's about half-way down the page) Type in the name of a snail you want to find info on... It works just like a regular search engine.
Please e-mail us if you find a problem with it.
For now, enjoy the few pictures we have of some shells and snails from around the world. Some of the shells are a bit wheathered, but you can see the patterns. Some of the pictures are large, so they may take a while. Sorry, we're working on that. Infact we're working on the whole format... so be patient and hope you enjoy your visit ;-)

WOW!!! IT'S BACK!!!!
Snailz Message Board!!!.

Take a look and Let me know what you think!!!
Just Please... Keep it Clean as there will be children reading!
All are welcome and you can discuss all issues related to snails. If you'd like to discuss something off topic, just post 'OT' on title.
If it's needed, I can keep adding rooms, like on some other sites. Maybe a Chat board, an Announcement Board, etc. You get the idea ;-)

You may want to spend some time in our Snailz Chat Room. This is now a public chat room and you'll find people in here talking about all sorts of things. How that happened I don't know... but I'm working on a private one just for us.

*Snail Pictures*

  • Take a look! The list keeps growing!
    Thanks to Ken, we've added some brief descriptions and corrected some names!


  • Check out our Links page and find out more about the snails you have or are interested in. If you have a link you would like posted here, or find one you think we should have here, let us know by emailing it to us.


    Try our new Search Tool! Search for a specific snail or certain information!
    Let us know how you like it.
       Search this site                 powered by FreeFind

    Thanks to everyone, from around the world, for the Pictures. If someone knows the correct species name for one of the pictures, let us know and we'll change it.
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