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Toledo Ohio

Dear Website Visitor,
On behalf of the membership of the Northwest Ohio Bird Club,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and give you
a little bit of background information about our Club.

It was founded in 1989 by Jeannie Burton of Toledo.
She, along with a few friends, decided that there was a need to
gather and share with others information about our beautiful birds.
In the beginning there were about 15 to 20 people in the club.
The goals for the club at the time were to educate and
inform others on the care and feeding of exotic birds.
Our next president was Debbie Kesling of Temperance.
She served in 1991 and was followed by Gary Rhubright of Oregon.
In 1994 Larry Habel, one of the original founding members, became president.

Over the years alot of good things have happened to our Club.
We have many quality breeders which are members of our Club and many
members have spoken at meetings of other Bird Clubs and organizations.
Our fair, in it's thirteenth year now.
Venders come from all over the United States.
Key Street in Maumee Ohio.
For 2003 it will be held Saturday June 14th.
Hours are 10:am to 5:pm.
Lots of Raffles! Lots of Venders! Lots of Birds and supplies!
I became president in 1995 and wish that all of you
who come to this site get the information you were searching for.
We have useful links you can visit also.
Sincerely, Club President,
Micki Keck
Monthly Newsletter mailed to all Members
Monthly Raffle Table
Refreshments (Donations please)
Guest speakers when possible.

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Links to other sites

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* Click letter above to e-mail the Club President *

President: Micki Keck
Vice-President: Ed Willmarth
Secretary: Kathy Holter
Treasurer: Ron Pohlman
 Bonnie Stazak, Jeannie Morgan,
Jan Willmarth, Pam Loveday, Jane Ward
Raffle Table:
Jeannie Morgan, Ron Pohlman
Membership Committe:
Jan and Eddie Willmarth

Click here to print and fill out NWOBC Membership Form

Thank you for visiting.
Please come back again.

~*~ Music: The Color of Wind ~*~

I got it for free at http://come.to/

~*~ This site created by Cindy Kime, a NWOBC member.~*~

Please report broken links to me.
E-mail:Cindy K.

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