Introduction | About me... | Misty & Michi | Buying your ferret | Taking care of your ferret | breeding ferrets | Biting ferrets |
Ferret products | Links, info's and books | Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook | Ferret FAQ |
About me..... : Here you'll find some information concerning myself.
Misty & Michi : Information about the two ferrets I am keeping
at the moment. Michi, a wild-coloured female ferret of about 2 years old
and Misty, a silver panda female ferret of about 1 year old.
Buying your ferret : When buying your ferret, lots of stuff has to
be taken into regard. Here you will find some guidelines when buying a
Taking care of your ferret : Some information about how to take care
of our fussy animals.
Breeding ferrets : This is the probably the most interesting part of
this site, but I hope that only the more experienced ferret-owners will
consult this site for practical purposes ( breeding ferrets). The starting
keepers of ferrets should not start with breeding, since this is quite
a difficult activity. Even the more experienced ferret-keepers are often
not able to raise breed and raise young ferrets in the right way. Therefore,
I recommend starting owners just to read this information, but not even
think about breeding ferrets. For the more experienced owners who are going
to breed : Lots of succes, I hope the information on this page will prevent
any problems when breeding with your pets and contribute to the fact that
you can make some people very happy with your well-raised puppies in future.
ferrets : People who do not know well enough often think that ferrets
always bite a lot, which is a big misunderstanding. If a ferret is not
well raised it can bite very hard, but it is quite easy to raise your ferret
in such a way that it will not bite anymore. When buying your ferret, it
should in fact not bite you when it is raised and treated in a proper way,
except the "try-outs". For the last, you can view this page to see how
to unlearn this kind of biting (which is in fact quite normal when buying
young ferrets) . Further more, I added some information regarding the unlearning
of the hard bites by ferrets.
Ferret products : This is not a commercial page trying to sell you
all kind of stuff. As a Business Administration student from the Erasmus
University, I thought about making such a selling-site at first. But since
I am quite busy with the completion of my study at the moment, I will just
mention the products you will need when buying your ferret.
Links, info's and books : Some further sources for information regarding
ferrets. Additions to this page are always welcome. When you know some
interesting sources ( internet-sites, bookes and the like) just send a
mail to :
Sign Guestbook:
Thank you for visiting my site. Please sign my guest book
before leaving the site, together with some feedback concerning the contents
of this site. And when you want to know who signed my guestbook before,
just take a look at View Guestbook
FAQ : Further information and questions about ferrets.......