<BGSOUND SRC="/scottishangel4u/dundee.mid">
Midi playing
"Bonnie Dundee"
Welcome to Sharon's Page
Okay, let me start off by explaining Scottish Angel.  What is a scottish angel to me?
Hello, fellow web surfers.  I'm glad you came to visit.  There are many simple treasures in life and here I plan to share mine.    The most important treasures in my life are family, friends, children and pets. I will be talking about each on this site,  Sharing my  thoughts and opinions. 
Here is the about me section of my site........
I used to live in Levittown, New York but I recently  moved to Roanoke, Virginia this summer.   I am irish/scottish with some german.  I was a full-time caregiver to my wonderful mother whom was ill and had dementia.  My father (born in Scotland) was a terrific man and will always be remembered with fond memories.  I have two brothers and two sisters, we're all pretty close in age so it was great growing up with them.  Three are married now and have children that I adore.    My sister, Joan and my brother, Brian live in Long Island, NY.  My brother, Patrick and my sister, Diane live here in Roanoke, Va like me.    I  truly miss my  family and friends back home in NY.    My sister, Joan and I are very close and this move is extremely hard on the two of us.    I  have so many mixed emotions about the move---it's truly pretty here in VA but it's so hard to start over.   I finally got a drivers license since I've been here so that's an accompliishment that I never got done in NY.    I hope and pray that  things will get better and  that I will realize that the move was the best thing for me, as my brother Pat would say.    I truly hope he is right  because I gave up alot back in NY and I miss it all.    

My interest and hobbies vary quite a bit but here's a few...I love genealogy, scrapbooking, angels, dancing, crafts, birds, and computers.   I also like to make videos with a video transfer system.  As you can see I have many interest and I of course, love  to learn new things
Check out some of my other pages....Just click on the link or the graphic button
Come on in and meet the Family..  My family is very important to me.  In my family section I talk about my family and some of the poetry I have written.  You will also find links to My story of  Dealing with Dementia, my Mothers Memorial Pages and the Special Gift story for our family
Meet my wonderful Friends that I truly treasure.  Banners4u are links to sites and  friends I have met along the way.    Please visit these wonderful sites when you get a chance.
Children are one of the most important treasures in life and here I share how I feel about these wonderful little angels.  You will also find links to the children's art gallery, and art work done by my sister, Diane and Charlie's skateboarding page.
Pets are very impotant in one's life and here I share my pet's of the past and the present.  You will find links to Thistle the talking budgie, a budgie page and the story of my finches.
If your interested these are some of the  awards and gifts I have received for my site. 
Please visit my webrings page. Check out the ones I belong to......Women of Strength and Inner Beauty / Sisters of the Heart, and Serenity.
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