Purrs! I am your hostess.
My name is Pepe, and I am one of six purr babies who live in a very lovely place with two humans.

Being the little princess of the family, and always getting what I want, I was chosen to welcome you to our site and show you around.

I nap a lot, but am just cat napping, so am always on top of things.  Nothing gets past me!

I hope you enjoy your stay and come back to visit again.  Please sign our guest book before you leave.
We don't have any pictures of me as a tiny baby because I didn't come to live here till I was a bigger baby.  This is me as a five month old baby, just after I got here.

I was born wild with no home on May 3, 1995.  I was so happy when my humans rescued me and brought me to my real home from the wild place.

I have everything a kitty could want here, plenty of food, toys, soft beds, fancy scratching posts, humans who love me and lovely house with yard.  The yard has a special fence around it to make it safe to go outside.  It's really a fine place to live.
The Purr Babies have created an award for you!  To see it, and find out how to have one on your site, click on the kitty and he will take you there! 
Click here to see a fence similiar to ours.
Prowl on over to our other pages!
Kitty Clubs/Activities
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See My Fur Friends
Meet My Humans
View Our Awards
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Our Seasonal Page
Unforgotten Fur Friends
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Thank-you Miss Yourky for the great banner!!
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Don't Forget to Sign
This site was
born on 7-1-99
Summer has come and gone so quickly.  But the good part is we have arrived at October.  This is the month of goblins, witches, and ghosts.  The time for chasing falling leaves, carving pumpkins, and trick-or-treating.  Costumes for one and all during this fun time in the Happy Habitat.  The Purr Babies love this time of year!

Check out the Purr Babies Halloween  Page through the Seasonal Page link above.

The Purr Babies are saddened by the passing of their brother Danny Boy.  Visit his page through the Rainbow Bridge link above.
I have a new wink wink!!!  His name is Shamus Blue, isn't he cool?  Just look at that tail!  You will be seeing more of him on some of our other pages!
Last update 10-24-09
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To see some recent pictures of me & a special page that is all mine, click on my baby picture.
Mimi and Molly's Tux Cat 
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