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Ed & Allie's Homepage!

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Welcome!  Thanks for visiting our tiny corner of the web.  We've finally dug ourselves out of the snow (Actually it just melted.  Us southerners don't really own snow shovels!).  We've been pretty busy lately with work , and family and friends.  But we've managed to put together a little something to show those of you how we've made out in North Carolina.  There's some pictures of our house, and various other "stuff".  Of course we've rummaged up some pictures of our managerie, our two dogs, Rocky & Duke, and the Queen of the House, our cat Shadow.  More pictures to come of them very soon.  Also, for those of you who couldn't make it to the wedding over 2 years ago (can you believe it's been that long?), you'll find some pictures of that fine event.  Well, enjoy yourselves, and we'd love to hear from "y'all"!

Cool Link

Check out Paul's (Allie's brother's) web site-you'll find some pretty interesting things there.

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