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may be asking, 'Who in the world is Ms J Doolittle, and why
should I be visiting her page?'.
Most know me as Julia or Jez, and know that I have a varied collection of kids/pets. The name Ms Doolittle was given to me by my Keeper (since I am a kept woman, my husband is the Keeper), as he surveyed me in the midst of my favourite hobbies. With a cat sleeping on the top of my computer cabinet and one on the right side of the desk... a dog chewing a bone under the desk and two guarding the door to the room... a rabbit chewing an old telephone book... and a bird preening the back of my hair. The name suits me!
My love of animals, in fact for all life, began as a child. There was always a dog, or a couple of cats, even a hamster or two, sharing our lives. Once I moved away from home, I began my own collection of fur and feathers. First I had a few cats, then added a dog and her pup, after that a big green bird, soon came the first rabbit, then a guinea pig to keep the rabbit company, and rats, mice & a hedgehog began gnawing a place in my heart. On these pages you can see my current 'family', and a few that have already gone ahead to wait at Rainbows Bridge.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of my 'kids', and the bits of story that accompany some of them. And, before you leave, please, sign my guest book.
Thank you for visiting my Zoo Page...
Ms J Doolittle/Julia/Jez
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