Kapri- and it's a GREAT PICTURE!!! MUST SEE!
This next one is my brother's akita.
Here's Nikki

Pictured here are some of the horses Rosie has for sale. Peron (above) is a gorgeous unique liver chestnut with silvery mane. He is 16.2, 8 years, thoroughbred. Great show horse with lots of potential, daisy cutter and fancy jumper. Already wins in many shows! $10,000.
Here is another of Peron, it shows his color better than the one above

This TB is Mystery. Rosie has him for sale, $2000. He is 16.2hh and DARK bay, almost black (was a little sunbleached in these pics). You can call Rosie 623-546-9885 for more info. Laura rode him in this show. This is the show Chey got high point, you can see we got first in that class! But look, Mystery's first show and he was in the ribbons! (MYSTERY HAS BEEN SOLD but she has other great horses! Give her a call... too many horses, too little time) She also has many other horses for sale.
Here he is with Chey at the Wickenburg show
Here he is jumping
And cantering... this was early in the show, and his first show, so he was looking all around then!
And again with Chey
Rosie has a TB who looks almost like Chey's twin! His name is Jigsaw. He is for sale, and looks a lot better than this pic makes him look! (SOLD)
Jig looking out of his stall

Thanks to a wonderful friend of Laura's, Sarah King, I was lucky enough to be able to ride two Icelandic horses several times. Their names are Epona and Vahn. Epona has since been sold.
Here is Pona
And Vahn

Rosie obtained Jett Summer in a series of giving aways... Laura and I named him. He was incredibly skinny, so we put weight on him and now he looks great! These pictures were taken after having him only four days (Sept. 14, 1999).
Here he is with Laura, looking very skinny
A close up of his skinniness and scars
Here is one of Jett with Rosie's pom (named Pommie) on his neck!
These next pics are after having him a month and a half. He looks even better now, as you can see in the last pic (kindof, bad pic).
He's really dirty ;)
Here's another of him
And here he is more recently, Dec. 2000, doesn't even look like the same horse! Sorry it's not the best pic, as he just wanted to eat ;)

These next pics are all horses at Rosie's. The one above is her mule Levi. That's me driving him! This was my second time driving, but the first that I drove by myself! It was a lot of fun! I drove him in an obstacle cource at the Wickenburg show.
My dad RARELY rides horses, but I did get him on Rosie's horse, Katie for a few minutes. Look how short his sturrips were! Since he was only riding for a few mins at the walk I didnt bother to fix them ;) (I'm sad to say Katie crossed over the rainbow bridge. She had a wonderful LONG life, and will be missed)
Here they are
And again
And one more
This is Rosie's largest TB, he's HUGE!!!! 17.1 hh!!! His name is Westinghouse.
Here's another of the big guy, on the lunge.
Domino is an appy that Rosie used to have. He is a WONDERFUL horse though STUBBORN!!! I had a lot of fun riding him until she sold him. The new owner bought him for mounted shooting! Domino didn't even flinch when he shot the gun! Domino is soo pretty, I love the way his spots go from liver to black...
A lovely head shot of Domino, looking out of his stall
Domino as a whole in his stall
Murphy and his brother Saberly (no pics of him) were both TB's boarded at Rosie's. Their owner is now stationed in Florida, so they left to live with their owners. We'll miss these two! Laura rode Murphy for a few times, and I happened to have my camera that day (I didn't get any of her on him because I was riding Chey at the time).
A head shot of Murphy
Murphy as a whole, wondering why Laura wasn't tacking him up yet"
Rosie has a chocolate palamino QH mare named Callie. This is one of her colts, his name is Starbuck. His sire was a TB, so he's an appendix. He is the most gorgeous shiny buckskin I've ever seen... too bad all I have is a pic of his beautiful head... He is four years old now.
Here he is
This is the new foal, a QH filly named Andrea
Callie and Andrea
and them again

Thanks for taking the time to look at my pictures! I hope you enjoyed them! I will add more later, I have no clue as to when. If you'd like to have me send you and email as to when I update, send me an email at magicallydeliciousfrito@yahoo.com and put "update me" in the subject box. Any special updates you'd like (such as just when one animal is updated) can be requested in the message. Thanks! Have a great day!