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Ferretowned's Home Page

Welcome to my Animal World

Guess what?! We had our human baby!

It's a boy!

In Memory of Toby

October 28, 1999 - May 19, 2003

I wrote this in honor of Toby: *Under Construction*

In Memory of Noel

October 19, 1996 - October 24, 2002

I wrote this in honor of Noel: *Noel's Story*

In Memory of Kyle

October 14, 1995 - June 7, 2002

I wrote this story in honor of Kyle: *Kyle's Stormy Departure*

In Memory of Slinky

March 22, 1995 - December 22, 2001

I wrote this story in honor of Slinky: *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*

In Memory of Sandy

January 29, 1997 - September 9, 2000

I wrote this story in honor of Sandy: Sandy's Journey

In Memory of Gizmo

October 9, 1993 - December 8, 1999

I wrote this story in honor of Gizmo: Mother's Dream

Introducing the Herd!

Slinky : alpha ferret, male chocolate sable, 6 years old, Mr. Independent except when it came to snuggling with Gizmo his bestest friend for 4 years. Will NOT sit still for the camera to save his life! He wrote his own page for you which I will leave up, even though he has journeyed to the Bridge.

Kyle : fat boy, male DEW, 5 yrs old, Mr. Trouble, never sleeps, always into everything. Kyle is a camera ham, and every shot of him is perfect.

Noel : the little witch, female black sable, 4 years old, Ms. Monkey I-wanna-climb-everything

Toby : the youngest member of the Herd, adopted from Crosby's Keystone Ferrets at the Baltimore SOS ferret show in 2000.

Rootie : HUG ME!, male tri-colored, 6 years old. All Rootie ever wants to do is love you. This picture shows his "true" nature (just kidding).

Tank : our insane, mutt-of-all-time, lovable 4-year-old puppy. He absolutely adores ferrets and gets all puddly with love when they are out.

Sarah : sweet tricolor beagle, 8 years old. She loves to have her butt scratched right above where her tail meets it.

Please feel free to visit Sarah's rescuers, BREW (Beagle Rescue, Education and Welfare)

Email me at anytime.
Please come back soon and visit us.

Help support my favorite shelter, Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter, at

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© September 2001

I'm a Common Toad!
The largest toad found commonly in Europe, the Bufo Bufo species can grow up to 20cm in length with a rotund body. Active mostly at night, this toad will walk about slowly, sometimes making short jumps, in search of insects, worms and other invertebrates. This makes it of great help to farmers. At the end of autumn it buries itself in the soil where it remains until good weather arrives again.

What kind of Frog are you?

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Ferretowned & the Herd.

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